Maps that wrap

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Zo Kath Ra
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Maps that wrap

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Does LoG2 allow you to make maps that wrap around on themselves?

Since the maximum map size is 32x32, this might only make sense for maps with heavy fog.
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Re: Maps that wrap

Post by Phillip_Lynx »

From wich I read here and seen in some tutorials you can make this with invisible teleporters all along the sides :)
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Re: Maps that wrap

Post by cameronC »

A few different ways to do it, though, none of them will appear seamless to the player.
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Re: Maps that wrap

Post by TSotP »

I think the most seemless way you could do it is by having 3 identical maps side by side. Then doing the invisible teleporters right down the middle of map 1 and 3. That would probably work.
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Re: Maps that wrap

Post by Lark »

TSotP wrote:I think the most seemless way you could do it is by having 3 identical maps side by side. Then doing the invisible teleporters right down the middle of map 1 and 3. That would probably work.
That's a good idea, but if the player hasn't disabled mapping and bothers to look at it, it'd be a dead giveaway.
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Re: Maps that wrap

Post by sps999 »

Having identical maps also runs the problems of players dropping items on the ground.
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Re: Maps that wrap

Post by TSotP »

It had occurred to me that monsters might be a problem. But I never thought of dropped items. Is there any way a script could be made to stop the player dropping items on that level? You and Lark are much more experienced with scripts than I am.
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Re: Maps that wrap

Post by Isaac »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Does LoG2 allow you to make maps that wrap around on themselves?

Since the maximum map size is 32x32, this might only make sense for maps with heavy fog.
This is a wrapped hallway [in LoG1] using teleporters:

This can be done in LoG1... You have to, if you are making the Eye of the Beholder maps, but in LoG2... the functionality is there to transition sideways between maps; so, it is both possible to simply use a teleporter on the edge of the map, or simply include the 'wrapped' area on an adjacent map. In both cases, there will be a fade out/in on transition though. To not have that is trickier. You can use several telelporters and floor triggers to cause a wrapped hallway; however the teleporters and triggers trigger in different order than they did in LoG1, unfortunately.

Another example of a wrapped corridor from the Spider level in EOB1 ~grimrock:
*This was very tricky; but in general, try to make your hallway about 4 cells long, (so that it fades to black); and add an extra teleporter at the wall ~not accessible to party; triggered by items only, and remove the outer wall so it's pure black... This way spells and thrown weapons won't illuminate the last wall, and will appear in the wrapped area when the party arrives there.
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