Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

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Grim Reaper
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Grim Reaper »

You guys are way over protective to the game, seriously.

Were now on page two ... sigh.

There are multiple connections to the vid and game if you open your eyes, have you and Prince Charming (the first replier who seems to possess zero social skills) who weighed in with insults from the start actually watched the full video? or are you on the condemn bandwagon too?

There are lots of similarity's ... but somehow, some hard core gamers like you see my innocent post as a slur and go into "over-protective" mode for some bizarre reason? If that's the case, please try and get out more because you are probably spending far too much time on the Internet and gaming than is healthy ... I'm not the only person that can throw around insults.

Look, I know the vid is cheesy old 80's big hair heavy metal rubbish, but there are similarity to that and gameplay in the great game of Grimrock, you'd need to be blinded by fan boy ism or utterly stupid not to notice, assuming you actually watched the full vid in first place, or just write with gratuitous contempt and glee as the OP and the famous Grimrock sarcastic beta tester did by looking at the first few seconds before considering their idiotic reply.

Good lord, it was actually some one else who pointed out similarity's between this good game and that vid, just thought I'd put it here to see if there was any connection like there was with the "Wilson" find in the game.

I'm done trying to get on here.
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Azel »

Yes you enjoy repeatedly saying that there are similarities without actually illustrating any of them. And you have made it quite clear that if someone refuses to see these phantom similarities then it must be because that person is an over-protective fanboy. Heaven forbid the truth is that there are no similarities and you have the mental capacity of a bag of rocks. Note that even a bag of rocks can observe that there are no similarities between WASP and Grimrock.
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Batty »

I did watch the entire video and let me tell you why. Reading Azel's commentary was funny but I also thought he might be getting a laugh at your expense. So, I watched the vid planning to find some similarity and defend you a bit. I could not, with any amount of imagination , find anything analogous. This has to be a trolling effort and a funny one so good job. :lol:

Oh, and BTW, I f****** love hair metal! not WASP though they suck :lol:
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Azel »

Well there ya go, Batty... you doubted my commentary due to the comedic approach and ended up sitting through a video that puts a man in touch with his feminine side in that "no-no spot" kinda way, na' mean? :lol:


In other news...

I am a metal head through-and-through. As a child I was never a fan of hair-spray bands like Warrant or Winger. I was on the fence with Poison and Ratt, but I liked Cinderella and to a lesser extent, WASP (great voice but not-so-great compositions). In time I went through the phase of Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden, but quickly moved on to Pantera and Slayer. When Grunge took over I went more underground: Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Death, Deicide, and Sepultura. Nowadays I stick to Lamb of God when I want something fresh and heavy.

I left out tons of other bands (Metal Church, Testament, System of a Down, Korn, Faith No More) ... on top of which I own a huge collection of Cherry Lane guitar books for most of these metal bands - I've been playing guitar for over 16 years. And still, with all that in mind, I can't see how anyone can look at that WASP video and formulate the thought that Grimrock took any sort of reference or inspiration whatsoever.

whew! :mrgreen:
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Komag »

I skimmed through video, didn't see anything Grimrock-ish about it, sorry
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Coroner »

I'd say you're being trolled guys ...i hope :)
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by DannyAIC »

This is obviosuyl the video that influenced grimrock

EDIT: Never mind I give up. Trying to embed the greatest video of all time, journey - Separate ways, but I can't figure it out haha
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by msyblade »

Azel wrote:Well there ya go, Batty... you doubted my commentary due to the comedic approach and ended up sitting through a video that puts a man in touch with his feminine side in that "no-no spot" kinda way, na' mean? :lol:


In other news...

I am a metal head through-and-through. As a child I was never a fan of hair-spray bands like Warrant or Winger. I was on the fence with Poison and Ratt, but I liked Cinderella and to a lesser extent, WASP (great voice but not-so-great compositions). In time I went through the phase of Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden, but quickly moved on to Pantera and Slayer. When Grunge took over I went more underground: Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Death, Deicide, and Sepultura. Nowadays I stick to Lamb of God when I want something fresh and heavy.

I left out tons of other bands (Metal Church, Testament, System of a Down, Korn, Faith No More) ... on top of which I own a huge collection of Cherry Lane guitar books for most of these metal bands - I've been playing guitar for over 16 years. And still, with all that in mind, I can't see how anyone can look at that WASP video and formulate the thought that Grimrock took any sort of reference or inspiration whatsoever.

whew! :mrgreen:
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Asteroth »

Azel wrote:Well before you ask people to sit through that homo-erotic version of GWAR, maybe pinpoint exactly which part you think LoG may have represented? Cause WASP did not invent the desert, nor night-time, nor fire, nor tribal gear. So... hmmm?? :D
The video has no relation to Grimrock at all by any stretch of the imagination.

But that response was unnecessarily begging for a old-fashioned ridiculous internet flame war. No one who isn't looking for a flame war would ever use terms like "homo-erotic version of GWAR". It is simply belligerent, no two ways about it.
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Phillip_Lynx »

OK after all the replies and counter-replies I decided to look at the video.

First of all, I like the video, I like heavy metall, I am a wacken-guy (for all who do not know wacken they are no HM-Fans (OK, not seriosly, but the yearly festival at a german villiage named Wacken is one of the greatest Heavy Metal festivals of the world)) and despite of I am short 6 months of been 50 years old, I LIKED IT!!! ...



I also really do not see an connection between this cool video and Grimrock.


PLEEASE .. Grimreaper .. explain it to me. I would like to understand it, really!

So please, grimreaper, tell me what you see to connect this awsome video and factorio in plain words, or, I must admit, I have to take yu to the trolls-faction wich I would be sorry of :(.
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