Completed game, some feedback

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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by Azel »

any6 wrote:I don't know if you're trolling or genuinely misunderstood my post.

Your stats in grimrock do not decide whether you'll survive any given encounter. As such, grimrock is not (merely) a numbers game. It is technically possible to reduce the game to a numbers game by elaborate planning but this is still the result of exquisite player skill rather than game mechanics. Without a great player, it is not possible to reach this result.

That is completely false. Simple example: you can cast Invisibility on yourself and easily pick apart an enemy with virtually no risk. That is hardly the result of exquisite player skill. Besides, you may be the one having trouble reading because the "numbers game" analysis I typed up was based on the part where you said a Tank class is "sad" due to the fact that they are reduced to a "numbers game." My argument is that every class type can be reduced to a numbers game. Your response that follows ignores that completely. So either you forgot or you are bad at reading.
any6 wrote:makes you either dishonest or bad at reading

Right back at ya :D
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by trancelistic »

I'm only a bit disapointed that the other "elemental zones" are so small compered to the big dungeon in the begin ( that leads to the sewer and other places) I loved that style: Alot up/down / left/right east/west etc to go all kinda places. But, once outside, going for instance south to the hog and so on. Its so freaking small. So is the crystal mines. I was expecting it to be at least as big as the begin:) ( the pyramid is ok ish with size) But the others are really small. :(
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by Azel »

Fair complaint. I too was have been very disappointed with the size of both Grimrock 1 and 2... cause I want them to last freaking forever and have the ability to take my team to Player Level 99's!!!
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by trancelistic »

I hope some 1 will try my map for log 1.

I've spended alot of time in it. It has no insane puzzels with riddels written on notes or so.
But it do has puzzels who combine eachother, able to skip the whole (story) or do them for bigger rewards. Kinda like DM 1 .

Its possible to go faster as intented but solving puzzels does help.

I made a very hard puzzle room even. But the player has the choice to skip it. Its not needed to end the game.

Think kinda of the fighters challange in LOG1. No need to do it, but you know u want to:)

Anyhows. I hope some 1 wants to play test my map. Its not insanely hard. Its more based on the exploring and finding ur way to the end.
It do has a bit of story and some of my own music in it.

Also it has a bonus stage but its not done yet.

meh, i hope some 1 will play test it anyhows so far. Before I finish it.
In a way I like dungeon only. Floor after floor. I hope other agree.

I ai'md this specialy for the people who don't like riddels on walls ( well some are, but easy) But are more foccused of finding the way further like in DM.

Greetz me.
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by Spathi »

Some things just ain't suppose to be tanked... it is still fun to work out how to and when to. Some things have to be tanked or door abused... a solo minotaur farmer (my latest play-through) max strength and light weapons means he has to get 2 skill points in accuracy and open the trident chest to take out mosquitoes, the game really forces you to do that to get through the bog, which is quite amazing gameplay imho.

My only complaint (other than the red damage splash) is lack of light weapons combined with dexterity being only useful for accuracy means maxing strength then wisdom/vitality heavy weapons is the only useful way to build non-mages. (Ignoring range weapons as I never try that)

log2 is wonderful though, can't wait to try mods

oh, I also prefer the clean dungeons and outsides, so if something should be bigger, it should be sewer dungeons or normal dungeons... the cloudy bog and dark mines I found a bit depressing. The rivers and secret garden were great also.

An option to force characters to bed down for the night could also be interesting... and bushes that allow crystal flowers to be harvested, so you don't need alchemy.. which is pretty useless, it would be fun to have a legal way to farm strength potions as 20 or 30 strength potions would not ruin game-play.
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by minmay »

On my solo characters (including farmers) I found light weapons much more useful than heavy. Better DPS, much easier to get good ones early.
Dex-based weapons actually do as much or more damage as strength-based weapons with the same amount of str/dex and you get the accuracy without that, the problem is that strength is ridiculously easy to get; even without an alchemist you get like 50 rage potions over the course of a game, so strength-based weapons get a huge bonus in any fight you care about after the earliest parts of the game. Minotaurs and barbarians, too.

I'm not sure what you mean by "dexterity being only useful for accuracy"? It seems to me like it does more than any other stat:
(attack power + accuracy + resistance + evasion) versus
(attack power + resistance + carrying capacity) for strength,
(hit points + resistance + hp regen) for vitality,
(energy points + resistance + energy regen) for willpower,
considering that evasion can at least kind of pretend to be meaningful unlike carrying capacity and (at the levels in Grimrock 2) regen rate.
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by Azel »

trancelistic wrote:I hope some 1 will try my map for log 1.

I've spended alot of time in it. It has no insane puzzels with riddels written on notes or so.
But it do has puzzels who combine eachother, able to skip the whole (story) or do them for bigger rewards. Kinda like DM 1 .

Its possible to go faster as intented but solving puzzels does help.

I made a very hard puzzle room even. But the player has the choice to skip it. Its not needed to end the game.

Think kinda of the fighters challange in LOG1. No need to do it, but you know u want to:)

Anyhows. I hope some 1 wants to play test my map. Its not insanely hard. Its more based on the exploring and finding ur way to the end.
It do has a bit of story and some of my own music in it.

Also it has a bonus stage but its not done yet.

meh, i hope some 1 will play test it anyhows so far. Before I finish it.
In a way I like dungeon only. Floor after floor. I hope other agree.

I ai'md this specialy for the people who don't like riddels on walls ( well some are, but easy) But are more foccused of finding the way further like in DM.

Greetz me.

link to your MOD??
Last edited by Azel on Sat Nov 22, 2014 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by Spathi »

minmay wrote: I'm not sure what you mean by "dexterity being only useful for accuracy"? It seems to me like it does more than any other stat:
What I mean is... my first play through my rouge I maxed dex... however ended up doing more damage with str weapons, for most of the game. There was a small period where a knife did a bit more.
There are also hardly any dex weapons.

This solo farmer I maxed str and get more damage... misses a bit to start, but then ends up hitting most, anything that misses I use trident.
Solo yes I choose light to get more clicks for fun...

heavy... quick to get heavy weapons and they upgrade all the time, they do 1.5x to 8x the damage per second later with less clicks. I suppose I am thinking also that I can bee line more str based weapons on replays, which gives me more to do. As well as this a solo farmer gets to level 10 if you skip through to forgotten river and clear up for amulet and trident then down eating all the fish, turtles, frogs and wolves. Heavy would give you more to do, but be less fun. Reading a few posts, people did solo heavy, I am not sure how they avoided the mosquitoes without dexterity or too much accuracy.
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Re: Completed game, some feedback

Post by trancelistic »

Azel wrote:
trancelistic wrote:I hope some 1 will try my map for log 1.

link to your MOD??
i'm glad some people are intrested in just a dungeon crawler with just exploring to the end with minor to hard puzzels. Sure 1 is extremely hard but the reward is worth it. ( not needed to do it) I also hope to hear some of the feedback of the music and soundFX.
Its nothing special but I personly think it gives this game, the dungeon creepy feelings anyhows.

As a side note: I've tried some mods of others. They are really hard and i'm quite an experienced crawler person. THese mods are awesome don't get me wrong. But its more based on try and error. My mod or w/e you call it is made for the more crawler lovers who don't want to break their head to continue the game. ( log 2 is a good exsample of that)
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