1) I'm not bashing Linux at all. Learn to read.deusexm1 wrote:1. Funny but at the same time sad to see a mac user bash linux when it comes to games. Not even like 5-6 years ago mac was in the same spot as linux as far as games were concerned. Did you go on mac forums and tell those people that they were using the "wrong" platform also?
2) You came to this forum to complain, not me.
I believe Windows is efficient when it comes to doing Windows tasks. Case in point, Windows runs Grimrock for Windows very efficiently. You should try it instead of complaining.deusexm1 wrote:2. You believe windows is efficient?
So you stored your personal identity information on a computer, got hacked, and decided that instead of making sure you never store that information on a computer again... you just need to find a better computer. HAH! I love that terrible rationale.deusexm1 wrote:3. Security is an issue because someone stole my social security number and committed ID theft, which meant i spent 2 years dealing with banks and and other institutions. When i use linux I dont have to worry that my next CC purchase info is going to some basement dwelling hacker.
Windows is not trash if you want to play Grimrock. Besides, nothing you have said proves Windows is trash, but you have proven that your logic is trash by continuing to store your personal identity information on a computer even after you were compromised.deusexm1 wrote:For me, its a platform that is superior in every way minus the software availability. But that is getting better. In fact, I have every windows including 7, and 8 (lol @ metro btw. Nice tablet interface for desktop)... I choose not to use it b.c its trash and I wont be buying any more.
I haven't paid for anything Windows related in over a decade; I do pay for the video games though. I have an MSDN license (paid for by my company) so I enjoy it all for free. Plus, unlike you no one has ever stolen my identitydeusexm1 wrote:You can spend your money on Windows and windows antivirus software. Ill spend my money on games.

And you can act like you spend your money "better" but I aint buying it (pun intended). You spend your money quite foolishly, and made a dumb mistake which allowed someone to steal your identity and spend your money wastefully! Not to mention that right now you can't spend your money enjoying Grimrock. tsk tsk
I do enjoy Linux as well, I'm actually building a Linux laptop for the holidays. RedHat was my first experience, and I love the tools available for Linux as opposed to Windows/Mac. As a research project when getting my Masters degree in Information Systems I used Linux to crack WEP and WPA; as part of a presentation on the need for stronger security measures with Wi Fi. However, there is no reason to limit yourself to only one OS based on some ass backwards ideology.
Plus, Linux hacks are very common, and earlier this year a major compromise affected many Linux clients and servers:
http://it.slashdot.org/story/14/03/18/2 ... ix-servers
A brief history of Linux security breeches:
http://www.neowin.net/news/a-history-of ... s-on-linux
Lastly, a trend started back in 2002 where Linux attacks increased while those for Windows decreased:
http://www.geek.com/news/linux-attacks- ... ne-549070/
My advice: spend less money on games and more on books and schooling.