Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
I'm actually working for drakkan, on the water_surface assets and finded that an offset added to the watersurfacemesh class let us up/down the water level. But ... I didn't find yet a way to add waterbreath condition to party when it comes in these special tiles ((
Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Anyone manage to do knee deep water?
I was able to offset water mesh. Even water animation was okey with nice waves. But color and reflection was all very weird. And after restarting editor, water surface was all black and without the animation.
I was able to offset water mesh. Even water animation was okey with nice waves. But color and reflection was all very weird. And after restarting editor, water surface was all black and without the animation.
Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Skuggasveinn wrote:That was me, I've already started on the same mod for LoG2, it's working-ishJackard wrote:I remember someone modded a flooded dungeon for the first game?![]()
To say it's a hack is an understatement, but so was flooded dungeon for LoG1, limitations are that you can't have water that sinks the party on the same level as the ankle deep water.
It uses a new model for the waterplane that has the water shader applied to it, so it's not a heightmap trick.SpoilerShow
Please Skuggasveinn can you share how to on your ankle water please? I tryed everything, but horribly failed.

- Eleven Warrior
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Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Yes I to would like to know how I can put Knee deep water in dungeon as well. Please Skuggs let us know how you did it
Dose it use the Beach Water tile modified? or Beach Ocean Water object?

Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
I truly wish that the water object's elevation attribute, had been used as the surface elevation for the water; on the modding side, it would have made things much more controllable. Perhaps (if it's not a can of worms to implement) we may see this in a future patch from the glögi sessions... if there are to be any. 

- Eleven Warrior
- Posts: 752
- Joined: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:32 pm
- Location: Australia
Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Soz Bump. I really want to see this errr dammm I want it bad lol.
Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Will this now be possible with the new Umods? My understanding of it all is too limited to know if it can be done?Isaac wrote: ↑Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:36 am I truly wish that the water object's elevation attribute, had been used as the surface elevation for the water; on the modding side, it would have made things much more controllable. Perhaps (if it's not a can of worms to implement) we may see this in a future patch from the glögi sessions... if there are to be any.![]()
Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
You can do this without umods or any model files. Here's a copy of a post I wrote about doing this a few years ago:
The big point of confusion for people seems to be the planeY field of WaterSurfaceComponent, which needs to be close to the world Y of the water model in order to get reflections that make sense. If you take a standard assets water_surface object and only change the position of the WaterSurfaceMesh without changing the planeY correspondingly, then you get the weird wrong reflections that an earlier post in this thread mentioned.
Here is how to determine whether the party is underwater: if they are in a tile with the underwater flag (such as forest_underwater), and their world Y position is below -0.6, they are underwater. Otherwise, they are not.
WaterSurfaceComponent, WaterSurfaceMeshComponent, etc. are strictly visual. They have no effects on gameplay. You cannot change the -0.6 water height, to my knowledge.
WaterSurfaceMeshComponent:getWaterLevel() returns the y position of the mesh. This is not synonymous with the y component of the WaterSurfaceMeshComponent's offset; for example, if you let the mesh generate and then move the parent object up by 1 meter, the mesh will move up by 1 meter, and the y component of its offset is the same, but the water level has increased by 1 meter and getWaterLevel() will reflect that.
There's no setWaterLevel() but you don't really need that because you can just change the offset instead.
I have seen people place more than one WaterSurfaceComponent on one level. Don't do that. It doesn't work properly. There should be only one WaterSurfaceComponent on a level at a time. Removing one WaterSurfaceComponent and replacing it with another one should be fine, but I haven't tested it very well.
The water shader
The water shader only works on materials named "ocean_water", "water_surface_calm", or "water_surface_underwater". (All three names seem to behave identically otherwise). Other material names will give bad, useless results.
So if you want to use more than 3 water materials in one mod, take advantage of MaterialEx:setTexture() and MaterialEx:setParam() to change those 3 materials dynamically.
Remember that you need to set the textures/params whenever the game is reloaded, because they revert to their defaults in the defineMaterial table upon reloading.
If you need more than 3 different water materials to be visible to the player at once, then you're out of luck, but I doubt you will ever need that.I don't think the lighting = true part will ever matter unless you change the blendMode to "Opaque" (and doing so is pretty much useless). Yes, the shader "supports" all blend modes, although most of them aren't useful in this context.
Parameters you can change with setParam() here that will have a useful effect: texOffset, foamOffset, foamAmount, waveAmplitude.
The colour of the foam is determined by the sky's atmospheric colour (which you can change, but it's hard; see the Sky section below). foamAmount basically multiplies the colour of the diffuse map. So at 0, it's completely invisible, at -1 it inverts the colour, and at math.huge or -math.huge it turns the entire water surface almost completely black or white. At NaN it turns it completely black.
waveAmplitude is the degree to which the vertices of the mesh are permuted to make waves. It interacts oddly with the y position of the mesh (and heightmaps?), so watch out for that.
Changing the normal and displacement maps is a good way to make water look like different materials, such as a sheet of ice or a mirror.
Remember that you can use the water materials on custom models, not just WaterSurfaceMeshComponents. This is how the ocean water is done in the standard assets; ocean_water.model is
a large rectangle split into 80,886 vertices so that the shader makes good-looking waves in it, and the vertices are denser in the parts of the rectangle that are close to the shore,
giving higher-resolution waves. Also note that the beach_ground_water tile doesn't have the underwater flag; it just has a splashy move sound and the "water" automap tile.
WaterSurfaceMeshComponent only builds its mesh on tiles that do have the "underwater" flag. Suppose you want to exploit it to make a "flooded" dungeon where all the floor is under
a shallow layer of water, but the party doesn't actually go underwater. You'd use tiles like this:and a WaterSurfaceMeshComponent like this:
and a material definition to fix the wave amplitude (default is way too high for this height):
and then you would not allow the party or monsters to go below -0.6 world y position (which is easy to do, just don't use floor elevations below 0). The result would look like this:
WaterSurfaceComponent, WaterSurfaceMeshComponent, etc. are strictly visual. They have no effects on gameplay. You cannot change the -0.6 water height, to my knowledge.
Code: Select all
name = "water_surface_example",
baseObject = "base_floor_decoration",
components = {
{ -- All default values are shown here
-- updates global reflection and refraction maps
class = "WaterSurface",
-- This vector is the color of the fog that appears while the
-- party is underwater. Values above 1 have the same effect as
-- 1, values below 0 and NaN have the same effect as 0.
fogColor = vec(0,0,0),
-- This is how "dense" the fog is, i.e. how quickly it becomes
-- completely opaque. I am not sure how this is scaled; a value
-- of 0 (or lower, or NaN) disables the fog entirely, but a
-- value of 1 does not make the fog reach full opacity immediately
-- (it takes about 3 meters from the camera to do so).
-- Interestingly, fog seems to require that a WaterSurfaceMesh be
-- present on the object, otherwise it doesn't do anything.
fogDensity = 0,
-- planeY is the offset of the reflection plane (the plane
-- about which reflections are calculated). Logically, this
-- should be the same as the y position of the WaterSurfaceMesh
-- or whatever other model you're using with the water material,
-- but there are reasons to set it to other values (it's actually
-- set to other values often in the standard assets).
planeY = -1.2,
-- This vector modifies the color of the reflected scene.
-- Negative values work.
reflectionColor = vec(1,1,1),
-- This vector modifies the color of the refracted scene. (The
-- refracted scene means the objects that are *beneath*
-- the water.) Negative values work.
refractionColor = vec(1,1,1),
{ -- These aren't defaults
-- builds a continuous mesh from underwater tiles
class = "WaterSurfaceMesh",
-- Material used while the party is above water.
material = "water_surface_calm",
-- Material used while the party is underwater.
underwaterMaterial = "water_surface_underwater",
-- This is how you change the "water level"; by offsetting the
-- WaterSurfaceMeshComponent. Remember to adjust the
-- WaterSurfaceComponent's planeY value. Also, be aware that
-- positive y offsets can cause very strange behaviour with
offset = vec(0,-1,0),
dontAdjustHeight = true,
editorIcon = 264,
There's no setWaterLevel() but you don't really need that because you can just change the offset instead.
I have seen people place more than one WaterSurfaceComponent on one level. Don't do that. It doesn't work properly. There should be only one WaterSurfaceComponent on a level at a time. Removing one WaterSurfaceComponent and replacing it with another one should be fine, but I haven't tested it very well.
The water shader
The water shader only works on materials named "ocean_water", "water_surface_calm", or "water_surface_underwater". (All three names seem to behave identically otherwise). Other material names will give bad, useless results.
So if you want to use more than 3 water materials in one mod, take advantage of MaterialEx:setTexture() and MaterialEx:setParam() to change those 3 materials dynamically.
Remember that you need to set the textures/params whenever the game is reloaded, because they revert to their defaults in the defineMaterial table upon reloading.
If you need more than 3 different water materials to be visible to the player at once, then you're out of luck, but I doubt you will ever need that.
Code: Select all
name = "ocean_water",
shader = "ocean_water",
diffuseMap = "assets/textures/env/ocean_foam_dif.tga",
normalMap = "assets/textures/env/ocean_normal.tga",
displacementMap = "assets/textures/env/ocean_disp.tga",
doubleSided = false,
lighting = true,
alphaTest = false,
blendMode = "Translucent",
textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
glossiness = 80,
depthBias = 0,
texOffset = 0,
foamOffset = 0,
foamAmount = 1,
waveAmplitude = 50,
onUpdate = function(self, time)
self:setParam("texOffset", time*0.2)
Parameters you can change with setParam() here that will have a useful effect: texOffset, foamOffset, foamAmount, waveAmplitude.
The colour of the foam is determined by the sky's atmospheric colour (which you can change, but it's hard; see the Sky section below). foamAmount basically multiplies the colour of the diffuse map. So at 0, it's completely invisible, at -1 it inverts the colour, and at math.huge or -math.huge it turns the entire water surface almost completely black or white. At NaN it turns it completely black.
waveAmplitude is the degree to which the vertices of the mesh are permuted to make waves. It interacts oddly with the y position of the mesh (and heightmaps?), so watch out for that.
Changing the normal and displacement maps is a good way to make water look like different materials, such as a sheet of ice or a mirror.
Remember that you can use the water materials on custom models, not just WaterSurfaceMeshComponents. This is how the ocean water is done in the standard assets; ocean_water.model is
a large rectangle split into 80,886 vertices so that the shader makes good-looking waves in it, and the vertices are denser in the parts of the rectangle that are close to the shore,
giving higher-resolution waves. Also note that the beach_ground_water tile doesn't have the underwater flag; it just has a splashy move sound and the "water" automap tile.
WaterSurfaceMeshComponent only builds its mesh on tiles that do have the "underwater" flag. Suppose you want to exploit it to make a "flooded" dungeon where all the floor is under
a shallow layer of water, but the party doesn't actually go underwater. You'd use tiles like this:
Code: Select all
name = "dungeon_floor_flooded",
editorIcon = 192,
color = {120,120,180,255},
builder = "dungeon",
floor = {
"dungeon_floor_dirt_01", 1,
ceiling = {
"dungeon_ceiling", 1,
wall = {
"dungeon_wall_01", 35,
"dungeon_wall_02", 35,
"dungeon_wall_drain", 2,
pillar = {
"dungeon_pillar", 1,
ceilingEdgeVariations = true,
ceilingShaft = "dungeon_ceiling_shaft",
underwater = true, -- so that WaterSurfaceMeshComponent builds the mesh over it
moveSound = "party_move_wade",
Code: Select all
name = "water_surface_flooded_dungeon",
baseObject = "base_floor_decoration",
components = {
class = "WaterSurface",
planeY = 0.4, -- Notice that the planeY is the same as the y offset of the mesh
reflectionColor = vec(0.77, 0.9, 1.0) * 0.9,
refractionColor = vec(1,1,1),
class = "WaterSurfaceMesh",
material = "water_surface_calm",
underwaterMaterial = "water_surface_underwater",
offset = vec(0,0.4,0),
dontAdjustHeight = true,
editorIcon = 264,
Code: Select all
name = "water_surface_calm",
shader = "ocean_water",
diffuseMap = "assets/textures/env/ocean_foam_dif.tga",
normalMap = "assets/textures/env/ocean_normal.tga",
displacementMap = "assets/textures/env/ocean_disp.tga",
doubleSided = false,
lighting = true,
alphaTest = false,
blendMode = "Translucent",
textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
glossiness = 80,
depthBias = 0,
texOffset = 0,
foamOffset = 0,
foamAmount = 0,
waveAmplitude = 0.04,
onUpdate = function(self, time)
self:setParam("texOffset", time*0.03)
Grimrock 1 dungeon
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Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Thanks minmay for the explanation. I got it working and will now finetune it for my sewer part of the dungeon.

and now with the reflection on.. (have to tweak it a bit I think)

and now with the reflection on.. (have to tweak it a bit I think)

Re: Ankle and knee deep water mods?
Will there be monsters in it? I can imagine that every footstep of them triggers a water splash particlesystem.