[MOD] Forbidden Halls

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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by sapientCrow »

I am assuming you are referring to the Cube secret?
To be honest compared to the constant respawning enemies and some of the forced damage that secret was a cake walk.
Speaking of respawns do the slimes ever stop on 9? I went in there once and then reloaded and never went in there again. With infinite spawns that level will sooner or later crash because there is no room for a slime to occupy it. Sooner or later they stack on top of each other so much as well that the player will get face smashed by 10 or so slime attacks at a time and then when those singles split there is a huge potential for crash and well impossible fighting.

As for that writing on the wall I did find it and wrote it out and have been staring at it.
your 4x7 room theory works but looking over the maps I find no 4x7 rooms.
Also the first line only has one letter. There is a total of 6 stars which can correlate to the word for the level. In addition I recall starting that level and getting one stone so it could be a hungry pit situation. As far as I remember none of the notes can match up to that wall.
Also if that is a secret than that makes 5 for that level which goes against the 4 count in the post.
As of now my theory is the 4x7 room or a statement of some kind which the stars are breaks in the sentence.
I have not found any pit rooms that look like that either.
Also could be morse code.
There are so many variables it is all guessing.

I did manage to get to the final battle on hard mode even with all that insane stuff and then I had to take a break when I saw what I had to fight there.
There really is simply too much damage output without enough mitigation options given the game mechanics. It is all rng and hope for a lot of evades and the goromorgs to cast spells I am resistant too. I will admit to cheat slaying the skeletons through the bars on 7 where the entire hallway filled up with them and on hard the only hits that get through are crits and specials which use a ton of energy so fighting 6 very damage resistant skeletons was not on my list of things to do.

I ended up cheating the final battle on hard. I was not proficient in air magick and only one scroll of lightning resistance with 4 archers shooting me in the face they were 2 shotting my main tank.

There are some really amazing elements in this mod and then there are these absurd battles that are more about getting lucky than winning at a strategy. 4 spots free of lightning bolts with full line of sight to archers is meh... Not to mention if you shoot arrows you have to go pick them up to proceed to final switch.
Wonder if we will get some idea on that wall text...
I ended with 42/44 secrets. Missed the one after the Sea and one other one which seems to be on 5 I guess.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by AnnElfwind »

sapientCrow wrote:
I am assuming you are referring to the Cube secret?
To be honest compared to the constant respawning enemies and some of the forced damage that secret was a cake walk.
Speaking of respawns do the slimes ever stop on 9? I went in there once and then reloaded and never went in there again. With infinite spawns that level will sooner or later crash because there is no room for a slime to occupy it. Sooner or later they stack on top of each other so much as well that the player will get face smashed by 10 or so slime attacks at a time and then when those singles split there is a huge potential for crash and well impossible fighting.

As for that writing on the wall I did find it and wrote it out and have been staring at it.
your 4x7 room theory works but looking over the maps I find no 4x7 rooms.
Also the first line only has one letter. There is a total of 6 stars which can correlate to the word for the level. In addition I recall starting that level and getting one stone so it could be a hungry pit situation. As far as I remember none of the notes can match up to that wall.
Also if that is a secret than that makes 5 for that level which goes against the 4 count in the post.
As of now my theory is the 4x7 room or a statement of some kind which the stars are breaks in the sentence.
I have not found any pit rooms that look like that either.
Also could be morse code.
There are so many variables it is all guessing.

I did manage to get to the final battle on hard mode even with all that insane stuff and then I had to take a break when I saw what I had to fight there.
There really is simply too much damage output without enough mitigation options given the game mechanics. It is all rng and hope for a lot of evades and the goromorgs to cast spells I am resistant too. I will admit to cheat slaying the skeletons through the bars on 7 where the entire hallway filled up with them and on hard the only hits that get through are crits and specials which use a ton of energy so fighting 6 very damage resistant skeletons was not on my list of things to do.

I ended up cheating the final battle on hard. I was not proficient in air magick and only one scroll of lightning resistance with 4 archers shooting me in the face they were 2 shotting my main tank.

There are some really amazing elements in this mod and then there are these absurd battles that are more about getting lucky than winning at a strategy. 4 spots free of lightning bolts with full line of sight to archers is meh... Not to mention if you shoot arrows you have to go pick them up to proceed to final switch.
Wonder if we will get some idea on that wall text...
I ended with 42/44 secrets. Missed the one after the Sea and one other one which seems to be on 5 I guess.
Yep, I'm refering to that.
HOwever, like I said, I've yet to play it on hard. But I have a thing about hating the f***er. So for me, while the Dismanteler is my favourite sword, in this mod, it's not worth it.
Slimes on level 9 never end their respawn, but be happy the creator made it so that the door closes on it's own. So at least you don't have to worry about them flooding the whole level. That previously wasn't the case and I believe there was one person who gave up because the slimes flooded the level. But they only spawn if there's a free space. Sometimes there's a bug of two on the same tile, but it's rare.

I was thinking more like a 3x7 room with a door being indicated by the "fourth" line where's only one symbol. And I was thinking like item activated secret pressure plates, but I doN'T think that's it. I think I tried all the possible rooms with this theory.
As for morse code, I thought that too, but I doN't think it fits. But I would have to cross check that with my morse code guide.

I think I'll have to play it on hard. And count the secrets again and see what I missed.
But I'd really like for someone to come and solve that writing on the wall! Been thinking abuot it for several months now... And still nothing.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by minmay »

I've beaten this mod twice on Hard with Toorum, the second time with all secrets found.
There aren't really significant instances of forced damage other than the path of the dead on level 2. (The scavengers on level 1 can be stunlocked by throwing your inventory at them, since they have no protection.) You'd have to make a weird party or skip the majority of items in the game to end up with no characters capable of getting 100 shock resistance, since there are so many dexterity boosting items and several shock resistance items, plus the wandscrolls of shock shield, so I don't get the complaints about the final fight - my complaint about it is that it's trivial because you'll have a character with 100 shock resistance and the archers can't move!
What annoyed me about this mod was the number of lost-forever areas, the overuse of respawning monsters, and the need to gather useless items for the hungry pits/plates (even if you use the minimum number of items that's still like 30 total). I didn't find any of the puzzles or secrets to be themselves unreasonable, nor can I think of any fights that are significantly luck-based. That said, this is the only mod I've played where I would actually recommend paying attention to getting elemental resistances.
The slime spawners on level 9 don't start until you actually enter the room, so you can easily get all the items from the room by killing the first two slimes without entering, then running in and getting all the items before significantly more spawn. Once you do enter the room they turn on and never turn off even if you leave the room; the spawn interval is 20 seconds. Spawners won't actually spawn something on top of an existing monster though, so you can't get more slimes than there are spaces in the room.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by sapientCrow »

Well major kudos for twice on hard with toorum.
I play everything on hard and consider myself a upper tier player and sea of flesh with scavengers on either side of me would be insane..

As far as forced damage I saw numerous of them.
Much of the mage challenge has a ton of it. Sea of flesh is one followed my elemental rooms. Path of the Dead yes. Double scavenger attack when your party is 3.
Also numerous the spitters or elemental damage shooters did not give me enough time to adequately get around a corner before I would get hit by them. Perhaps it was l;ag but the seconds involved in a few poison ones before they hit me was not enough time to get out of harms way.
Luckily the wasps are slower (out of all the enemies in the mod strangely) than normal but still when they release from the pits and the infinite spawn ofd them at one point until the thing is destroyed is also pretty much forced damage.
There were others...

I did not like all the infinite respawns either. Especially when trying to puzzle out that word with the levers. I ended up just looking it up actually since there are 2006 total words possible just with 11 characters and there 12 characters to choose from. I got all secrets except the one near the Sea and one other one I do not recall a ton of shock resistance. I can see that indeed if I had 100 in shock on one character that would of been trivial.
Wish I knew where I missed the one secret as the list of secrets per level do not match up.

I just started playing: Remember of Treihadwyl
Found a place with 6 buttons and what looks like a combination of pressing that reaches 8 button presses in length...
Gave up on that secret.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by minmay »

Sea of flesh really isn't forced damage. You need to move around a lot, and it helps to have good damage output, but you really don't need to take damage. You can also move onto one of the spawners to prevent it from working (if you just step on/off you'll take very little damage from the poison cloud).
You can block the bolts in the elemental rooms with the monsters by leading them around the perimeter of the room in one direction (I forget if it's clockwise or counterclockwise).
sapientCrow wrote:I do not recall a ton of shock resistance.
- thunder bracer (+10)
- charm of the overseer (+20) or elemental amulet (+5)
- flarefeather cap (dex+2)
- falcon shield (dex+1)
- bow of the winds (dex+2, you do NOT need missile weapons skill)
- pointy shoes or winged sandals (dex+1)
- 2 elixirs of agility in the dungeon, plus however many you make yourself
- 2 casts of shock shield from scrolls
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by AnnElfwind »

So did anybody figure out the ***----**-* writing?
If yes, please spoil it for me and tell me. :P
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Dhomochevsky »

About the "sea of flesh" room, this room is very easy to beat but you need to know a little tip. Sorry for my english but i try to explain how can you do this room without problems.
When you enter at this room you only need to go to exit door and wait here. A lot of snails spawns on the room, and attacks you, it's ok because they do a very low damage and you can resist without problems. If you go to the exit door corner and wait here this snails can attack you from only 2 directions. More and more monsters spawns on the room but everything it's ok because you have your personal "snail shield" surrounding you and after that you have another nice "herder shield" for more security. Bit a bit the room are plenty of monsters but most dangerous monsters are far away from you. Perhaps some monsters try to attack you from distance but you have a good "monster shield" between you and this ranged monsters. You only need to sit and watch all this monsters until the door behind you opens. After that you can say "bye bye!!" and exit from this room. Save your potions and bombs for later, no need to fight on this room. :D
I just started playing: Remember of Treihadwyl
Found a place with 6 buttons and what looks like a combination of pressing that reaches 8 button presses in length...
Gave up on that secret.
But at the end you complete my dungeon and with a very high note i can say ;)
Last edited by Dhomochevsky on Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by minmay »

Dhomochevsky wrote:About the "sea of flesh" room, this room is very easy to beat but you need to know a little tip. Sorry for my english but i try to explain how can you do this room without problems.
When you enter at this room you only need to go to exit door and wait here. A lot of snails spawns on the room, and attacks you, it's ok because they do a very low damage and you can resist without problems. If you go to the exit door corner and wait here this snails can attack you from only 2 directions. More and more monsters spawns on the room but everything it's ok because you have your personal "snail shield" surrounding you and after that you have another nice "herder shield" for more security. Bit a bit the room are plenty of monsters but most dangerous monsters are far away from you. Perhaps some monsters try to attack you from distance but you have a good "monster shield" between you and this ranged monsters. You only need to sit and watch all this monsters until the door behind you opens. After that you can say "bye bye!!" and exit from this room. Save your potions and bombs for later, no need to fight on this room. :D
This is not good advice: if you do this, you'll permanently miss the secret in the room!
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Dhomochevsky »

I say that tip because there are a lot of people trapped on this room and some players leaves this mod for that reason.
Don't say
This is not good advice
If you are a completist and you need to find the secret don't use that tip XDDD but there are many people who just want to have fun and not get frustrated with a "impossible" room.
I respect your opinion minmay, but i don't share.
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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Post by Zenobi »

Adrageron - amazing work :)

7 levels completed :D
Secrets after 7 levels - 40, 2 treasures :D
Difficulty - HARD :D
Party - Toorum "ONE MAN ARMY" only (20 lvl experience, 380 life, 250 energy, 40 skill armour, 33 skill sword, 33 skill axe) :D

Now play 1.3 version. Saves 1.2 not work with 1.3 and play again from beginning.
Playing 1.2 version - 4 members party and all die on level 6 or 7 (I don't remember now) - entire food consume, to weak for fight, no auto heal and life crystals.
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