Energy Costs of Melee Special Attacks?

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Energy Costs of Melee Special Attacks?

Post by Lohengramm »

Has anyone ever done analysis on this?

1. I noticed early game in my all Lizard party my Mace user would run out of energy VERY quickly compared to my Dagger user, even before the Dagger user got a bunch of free +Energy from the skill line. This makes me think different weapons consume different amounts of energy for doing special attacks, possibly?

2. I had asked this in a PM earlier, but if anyone else knows the answer it would be appreciated: does Energy do ANYTHING for ranged weapon / throwing users? They consume it, but I've yet to see it bottom out, and even if it did bottom out, would they still be able to continue throwing or shooting 2 projectiles at a time?

I did a quick test by starting up a new game and creating 2 Fighters, one with 12 Willpower and the other with only 10. I leveled them both to 14 using the console and thought I could figure out the relative value of those 2 extra points of Willpower in terms of Energy gains. Well, I was only sort of right, and I learned something else about Grimrock today.

Test 1:
91 / 82 /125

Test 2:
94 / 76 / 130

These numbers are for my 12, 10, and 16 Willpower characters at level 14. I quick loaded and retested, and got different results. I've done this a few times now, but there isn't a point in listing all of them. The point is it seems Health and Energy gains on level up are actually somewhat random, and I had no idea that was the case. I had simply assumed having Vitality and Willpower added a flat amount each level. Maybe they do on top of a random number from x to x ?

Anyways, the point of all this is that I was wondering if an Unarmed Minotaur with only 7 Willpower would be able to actually use his special attacks more than once in a fight? The Three Point Technique?

I'm curious if Maces are the most expensive to perform special attacks with, or if another weapon type is?
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Re: Energy Costs of Melee Special Attacks?

Post by minmay »

Health/energy gains on levelup from vitality/willpower are randomized, yes. Different specials do consume different amounts of energy; slash is really cheap, rampage is pretty expensive. Missile attacks and regular melee attacks deplete energy but as far as I can tell, do not depend on it in any way, and since ranged combat doesn't have special attacks I am pretty sure that energy is indeed useless for it.
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Re: Energy Costs of Melee Special Attacks?

Post by Lohengramm »

Would you say it is actually worth investing in Willpower up to a certain amount (like say, 10 or 12) during creation on an Unarmed character? I ask because this is one of those things that isn't going to be easy to change without resorting to the console later on when I discover I've totally screwed myself out of being able to use Three Point Technique more than once per rest period by letting my Minotaur stay at 7 Willpower.
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