The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by mrgo0se »

Karski -

I too had issue with the spider ambush on hard playing with two freshly created champions, an alchemist and a barbarian.
If you have enough herbs to brew a large number of frost bombs as well as a few speed potions and perhaps some shield then it is doable by standing right in front of the spiked gate where you enter, preventing you from being surrounded. Hasten your melee character and equip with some healing potions in the non weapon hand and top up health as necessary. This will allow you to clear the first three or so spiders and then move out into the 2x2 area to finish the rest via conventional tactics.

If you don't have a lot of herbs I would agree that you're probably in trouble!

It's a legitimate criticism of this mod however It's clear to me that when playing in hard mode it's intended for a stronger imported main game party. I try to anticipate the mindset of the mod creator when I'm playing these custom maps, They're not always nice and fair like the main game :) OGDA clearly likes throwing in the occasional toe to toe combat, So I try to save bombs and herbs for really tough sections that I assume will be ahead.

BTW if you think the spider ambush is too tough then you'll love the Ornate key area in the graveyard :)
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by BarryBGB »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:
BarryBGB wrote:Stuck in the Grimforest.
I know it is probably easy, but I just can't figure out what to place on the altars for slimy, scrawny and the big one.
I think I have tried everything in my inventory.

Some help from anyone?
Have you found
the snail statuette
? (sorry, I forgot where you find it)

Thanks, that helps but I haven't found any statuettes or figurines anywhere.
Does anyone know where I find the first one?
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by OGDA »

You find the first statuette (the snail) in the western Grimforest (a bit south of the speaking stoneface which talks about: if you don't take from those who no longer need....).
There are three buttons in the southeast, it's a minor storypart.
One above water and two in the water there.

You seem to have found the iron key.
What you are missing is the riddle in the middle part of the map.
There is a lock on a pillar in the middle. A scroll in the water there and the wall text give a further hint.

You have to take out all torches there to make one light source rule over the other.
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by hansbleeb »

a thanks the torches where tthe missing hint.. and...


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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by Karski »

mrgo0se wrote: I too had issue with the spider ambush on hard playing with two freshly created champions, an alchemist and a barbarian.
Thank you for the advice on the best tactics!
The speed potions finally tipped the scale and I was able to finish the fight. You probably also found out the bug (quite literally) that prevents the player from standing at the gate for the whole fight - a spider spawns on top the party, after which only melee attacks and fireburst have any effect as any potions thrown only affect the spider at the same grid. However, after a liberal savegame abuse to make every energy melee attack count, I was able to hack my way through the opposition.
I ended up with half my party dead and traps preventing return to crystal by the same way, but fortunately there is an alternative route back through the stuck doors.

Now let's see the maggots who are a proven failure have the guts to proceed to the lower levels of the structure where only more pain is rumored to wait... I'd better sleep over the decision.
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by OGDA »

What? You don't tank that thing from the front. ^^
Use frostbombs to freeze him, do damage, then step aside.
As an alternative stay in his back by moving while he turns and only hit his back.
Somehow it seems everyone is playing at ultraextreme difficulty settings with one party member and a throwing knife as weapon to make the game harder and then complain about the difficulty. ^^
(no offense, just my imagination from all the recent comments) :-P

The playtest was with a party without a single alchemist and some random setup played through by two guys who never played a dungeon crawler before. So it HAS to be doable. :)
Last edited by OGDA on Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by Zo Kath Ra »


I love your mod, but I noticed a few details that could be improved:
In the Dwarven level where you find the axe and the shield, slimes can attack through wooden doors.
When you attack a red slime, its "blood" is still green.
The axe supposedly belongs to a Dwarven king, but its name and description are still those of Bane from LoG2.
Same for the Dwarven shield (= meteor shield).
I'm playing the game on normal difficulty, by the way :D
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by ohramallas »

Well, finished it.

I probably would have done a couple of things differently but this was real professional piece of work. Looking forward to your next one.
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by mrgo0se »

- Karski,

Happy to help, glad you didn't give up on this nice mod!


Here is a stats/items montage of my two character party playing on hard mode just before the Ornate key onslaught. I had the feeling that I'd been doing pretty well in general up until this point, reasonable secret and item discovery and characters feel generally competent for this stage of the adventure. However I found this section very tough and required a fair degree of luck to get through after multiple attempts. This is not in any way a criticism of your mod - I chose to play with only two characters on hard mode! :) I appreciate it's very difficult to get the balance correct where the combat is enough of a challenge to be rewarding for the player but not so tough that people give up. In general the difficulty is spot on for me, The spider ambush and the ornate key sections just raised the bar a little bit into extreme/luck territory :)
Still loving the mod, currently in the sewers :)
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by BarryBGB »

I am stuck in the Sewer.
I am at the very top right on the map where there is a ladder.
I am at 28,1,1,0,22
I can see the switch, it is too far to reach because it is over water.
I have tried throwing and shooting things at it but it doesn't work.
Looks like I have to cheat and move my party just past the left wall.

Am I missing something?

Oh, and btw, great mod. Very large and engaging.
Last edited by BarryBGB on Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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