Based on the videos it was pretty clear the basic mechanics were solid, however, I since LoG is an indie game I sorta expected some things to be lacking. After playing 3-4 hours last night I can safely say this is one of the best games I've played in a long time. The things I didn't expect were all the great little details like the notes. I didn't expect the game to be absolutely dripping with atmosphere and the melding of music and sound to be done so well. The atmosphere is so well done, I'd almost put it on par with Arx Fatalis which in my humble opinion is one of the most atmospheric games ever made.
I hope Almost Human becomes stinking filthy rich with Legend of Grimrock and continues to bring us high quality modernized versions of classic RPG games. I'm personally bored out of my mind by most RPG's these days...Bioware games are practically relationship management games and bore me to death with endless cutscenes and dialog. Legend of Grimrock reminds us that it wasn't always like this, and a RPG can be just as if not more compelling by simply giving the player a custom group of heroes and have the try and survive the world they are put in