Mangifying glass- found a purpose of using it
But I'm stuck at Lvl 13/14 combo
I need pickaxe to destroy some rubble on lvl14 (or at least I think it's obligatory to progress further). Found upgrade spell for Rope (it's Magic Rope now), killed the Dragon, looted Treasury, found lots of coins in Treasury and in a secret on lvl 12. I also found room with alcove on lvl 13 after climbing up from lvl 14 and possibility to spend some coins there, but it generates only Magic Boxes, food and some useless (?) poison or normal darts. I've also climbed up from lvl 14 to get ligthning ring and from lvl 13->lvl 12 and got fire glove. I think I've missed again something obvious- pressure plate, switch or maybe something hidden in the water in Dragon Cave.
Sorry, I don't recall what kind of key is required on that lvl 12 door or where it's located. But i know you are able to open it when you get there before reaching lvl9 and the branching there.
A note about iron keys: IIRC there are more iron/brass locks then keys so when you see a iron/brass lock, always try to pick it first! That of course assumes you did recover the lock picks.
I've abandoned exploring lvl9 and managed to reach part of lvl 13 with a note "secrets must remain hidden, Key must remain sealed in the wall" accessible from lvl14 (unused pickaxe was very tempting ). Honestly I can't see any solution and find a key to progress there- found a hidden switch behind the porticullis after killing ogre and thats all I'm able to do. Any help will be appreciated.
I'm afraid it didn't. The only place I've found behind the illusionary wall is location with piece of paper containing info about the key- no hidden switches/plates or tapestries there. Hidden switch behind the porticullis with ogre- is it a part of the riddle? Casting Magic Map reveals corridor behind the wall SE to key-closed door. I'm able to cast spells through the wall (bug?) and kill monsters behind it but I can't pass it. Casting Zo Spell and Weaking Spell there seems to do nothing.
As requested by some peoples, I've uploaded the source files of this dungeon on NexusMods.
I have also published a Dungeon Master kit ready to created your own DM like dungeons.
Just some key points:
- as explained within the sample dungeon, update carefully the names of altarvi alcove and script, and of picklock's locker and scripts;
- use wall edge or pillar corners respectfully to germanny's work.