Ask for help about creating mods and scripts for Grimrock 2 or share your tips, scripts, tools and assets with other modders here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
Hi all - am back, late as ever.
I would love to dive back into Grimrock: if there is space would be happy to contribute... [Just need to figure out the new editor... ]
boyflea wrote:Hi all - am back, late as ever.
I would love to dive back into Grimrock: if there is space would be happy to contribute... [Just need to figure out the new editor... ]
Haha!! Original Talisman Troll character - Nice Work!
Just waiting for the tools, and some finished mods to come out so people can get ideas of what is now possible.Many of us are working with the editor to varying degrees, but we are all concentrating on different areas. GMT2 will get some of us on the same page. And when finished releases start dropping, numerous creative implementations and design features will come to light. The ORRR3 project lead is also the guy writing the programs to help us manipulate and create new things, in addition to our dire need for the asset pack. Once those are done I would think 1 or 2 months need to pass before we start collaborating on a grand scale. A collection of experienced modders will be much easier to manage than a group of people figuring it out as they go along. I don't have any inside knowledge, just musing on the subject.
Currently conspiring with many modders on the "Legends of the Northern Realms"project.
"You have been captured by a psychopathic diety who needs a new plaything to torture." Hotel Hades
msyblade is spot on I think, no neat to rush into this.
ORRR 1 came out 5 months after the editor for LoG1 got released, Orrr2 13 months after the first Orrr.
I haven't started on any modding project since I'm still learning what I can do and what I can't do with the new editor, so I think its far to early to call this.
More time will give is better tools, better resources and better familiarity with modding LoG2, all of which gives us a better end project.
Link to all my LoG 2 assets on Nexus. Link to all my LoG 1 assets on Nexus.
These projects always take a fairly lengthy amount of time, particularly with the issues already mentioned. I have no doubt that this will eventually happen and I can't wait to play it!
Asteroth wrote:I don't like to be the doomspeaker, but I don't think this is getting off the ground.
Noooo! Dont speak of DOOM
The peoplez^^ are right, we still need time to play around.
I know Ive been quiet lately but I can assure you I am working non-stop setting up ground work (race/class/skill/trait/spell systems) for my next mod.
And I will be ready to go when we decide to start smashing out rooms for ORRR3
All the best mods take time - there's no rush. When the full asset pack comes out we will be in a much better position to officially modify, tweak and reskin items and objects from the game for the ORRR3. Once the asset pack comes out, I imagine there will be a bunch of questions and little asset pack releases on the Nexus. Somewhere around then seems like a logical time to get started.
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.
I read there's a file limit of 100 MB at Steam, but is there a file limit for a custom dungeon? 100 MB seems a lot, but if you add some music, video fragments and big animations it'll add up. But let's say this project will be around 300 MB, we'll have to download it in 3 parts and combine it ourselves in the dungeon editor? Is there an option to combine dungeons if it has one common room at the beginning?
Just an idea. What if the starter room's doors lead you to "random" map levels. Each a world on its own reachable by a teleporter. So, a room with 4 doors or an open area with 4 portals and 12 worlds. You can get a power gem from each world and you need 10 to place on an altar to get into a special world that was voted to be the best one. By "random" I mean you never know which world you enter, but you'll have to finish it to have an exit portal to appear.
Each world will have 2 goals: defeating an end boss and obtaining a power gem. Defeating the end boss will open the exit portal. Exit with power gem and the dungeon will close. Exit without the gem and the dungeon will reset. A closed dungeon will no longer be accessable with the randomizer.
By using a randomizer you can add more worlds later, but you need to change a max value of the randomizer script and the minimum power gem value of the special world portal at the starter room only. This would only work if it's easy to combine dungeons. And each world should have a difficulty scaler based on the party's level else you might get stuck in a world that is too difficult.