Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by JKos »

Added those too. GuItems are listed on separate page because the list is so long.
- LoG Framework 2 Define hooks in runtime by or + multiple hooks support.
- cloneObject viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8450
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by sajon »

I have a wish list - just to throw somethings out there..

Dungeon editor:

Add a favorites list - so that you can put some of your most used assets in it.
The able to group assets by tileset or even custom groups.
Ability to hide, pin, and unpin a tabs - this would allow people with dual monitors run the preview on other monitor.
Separate searches - select, add, brush have separate searches.
Multiple map view tabs - so you can tab between maps or unpin them and line the up side by side or top to bottom.

Be able to use height maps in interior zones ( I know this is a huge one )

Bug fix:
If you place a pillar (or anything that is placement = "pillar") on the right edge of the map it causes the editor to crash
Example screen shot:
Error screen shot:

Error log :

Code: Select all

=== System Info ===

Game Version:       2.1.18
Computer name:      JASON-PC
CPU Vendor:         GenuineIntel
CPU Brand:          Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz
OS Version:         6.1
OEM ID:             0
Physical CPUs:      8
Logical CPUs:       0
Page Size:          4096
Total Mem:          32708 MB
Free Mem:           29027 MB

=== GPUs ===

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY12
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
State flags: 00000005

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY13
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
State flags: 00000000

Device name: \\.\DISPLAYV1
Device string: RDPDD Chained DD
State flags: 00200008

Device name: \\.\DISPLAYV2
Device string: RDP Encoder Mirror Driver
State flags: 00200008

Device name: \\.\DISPLAYV3
Device string: RDP Reflector Display Driver
State flags: 00200008

=== Settings ===

Render Engine:      d3d9
Audio Engine:       xaudio2
Steam:              false
Resolution:         1400 x 940
Display Mode:       fullscreen (1)
Vertical Sync:      enabled (2)
Texture Resolution: high (3)
Texture Filter:     anisotropic (3)
Shadow Quality:     high (3)
SSAO Quality:       high (3)
Rendering Quality:  high (2)
Difficulty:         normal
Oldschool Mode:     false

Starting editor

=== Software Failure ===

[string "Map.lua"]:0: invalid map coordinates
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'componentsAt'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'addEntity'
	[string "Arch.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
	[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'addObjectTool'
	[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'mapView'
	[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by minmay »

sajon wrote:Elevation:
Be able to use height maps in interior zones ( I know this is a huge one )
Heightmaps have nothing to do with indoor/outdoor - in fact there's no actual in-game distinction between indoors and outdoors at all. You just need to define a tile with a heightmapMaterial field and place an object with a HeightmapComponent somewhere on the level.
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by cameronC »


I'm sure this will work out much better than my hacked together system. This alone has me quite excited, though onDrawAttackPanel is quite great as well... !
Writer and sometimes artist of the very slightly acclaimed comic series Scrambled Circuits. A comic series about a robot written by a human.

Grimrock 2 socketSystem: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8546 / Github
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by sajon »

minmay wrote:
sajon wrote:Elevation:
Be able to use height maps in interior zones ( I know this is a huge one )
Heightmaps have nothing to do with indoor/outdoor - in fact there's no actual in-game distinction between indoors and outdoors at all. You just need to define a tile with a heightmapMaterial field and place an object with a HeightmapComponent somewhere on the level.
I did not mean heightmaps per say I meant to make the ground slope which I am assuming that is what you mean also... I will try that later tonight and see how it works
Thanks for the info minmay.
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by AdrTru »

petri wrote:
Drakkan wrote: - disable writing gameEffects list on Item when EquipmentItem commponent is disabled
This is a little odd request, since EquipmentItem does not have a gameEffect property. Is it ok, if you could just remove the gameEffect by calling ItemComponent:setGameEffect(nil) ?
Drakkan thinking to be good have nil parameter for set of functions for .equipmentitem - like :setAccuracy etc.
Becouse isnt possible get out effect from item. It possible to set parameter to 0, but this parameter is writed as text in object.
This parameters is writed there in all time without reaction to .equipmentitem:disable()

Maybe is not so late for some topics:
1/ Drakkan +1
2/ is it possible to make property frontFacing for chest class? For using with altairs, becouse focusing making only from front side and another sides are disabled.
3/ is it possible to make something like drawGraficText for using internal grafic font?
4/ is it possible to fix connector for onUseItem ? this execution crash game for map problem

Can somebody make example for new camera functons? I dont undertand how it worked. Thx

Thank you
My LOG2 projects: virtual money, Forge recipes, liquid potions and
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by Granamir »

Even if it's late maybe this suggestion may be usefull for next upgrade.
It would be very usefull a way to (b)lock some items in a map, who knows illustrator knows what i mean, so that if u have multiple items in a square/tile u can block some of them to easily select an manipulate another one.

EDIT: ... or layers...
Last edited by Granamir on Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by sajon »

sajon wrote:I have a wish list - just to throw somethings out there..

Dungeon editor:

Add a favorites list - so that you can put some of your most used assets in it.
The able to group assets by tileset or even custom groups. ( Ok I guess this could be done with tags )
Ability to hide, pin, and unpin a tabs - this would allow people with dual monitors run the preview on other monitor.
Separate searches - select, add, brush have separate searches.
Multiple map view tabs - so you can tab between maps or unpin them and line the up side by side or top to bottom.

Be able to use height maps in interior zones ( I know this is a huge one )

Bug fix:
If you place a pillar (or anything that is placement = "pillar") on the right edge of the map it causes the editor to crash
Example screen shot:
Error screen shot:

Error log :

Code: Select all

=== System Info ===

Game Version:       2.1.18
Computer name:      JASON-PC
CPU Vendor:         GenuineIntel
CPU Brand:          Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz
OS Version:         6.1
OEM ID:             0
Physical CPUs:      8
Logical CPUs:       0
Page Size:          4096
Total Mem:          32708 MB
Free Mem:           29027 MB

=== GPUs ===

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY12
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
State flags: 00000005

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY13
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
State flags: 00000000

Device name: \\.\DISPLAYV1
Device string: RDPDD Chained DD
State flags: 00200008

Device name: \\.\DISPLAYV2
Device string: RDP Encoder Mirror Driver
State flags: 00200008

Device name: \\.\DISPLAYV3
Device string: RDP Reflector Display Driver
State flags: 00200008

=== Settings ===

Render Engine:      d3d9
Audio Engine:       xaudio2
Steam:              false
Resolution:         1400 x 940
Display Mode:       fullscreen (1)
Vertical Sync:      enabled (2)
Texture Resolution: high (3)
Texture Filter:     anisotropic (3)
Shadow Quality:     high (3)
SSAO Quality:       high (3)
Rendering Quality:  high (2)
Difficulty:         normal
Oldschool Mode:     false

Starting editor

=== Software Failure ===

[string "Map.lua"]:0: invalid map coordinates
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'componentsAt'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'addEntity'
	[string "Arch.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
	[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'addObjectTool'
	[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'mapView'
	[string "DungeonEditor.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk

Just curious if anyone tried to reproduce the error i was getting ( placing a pillar at east edge of map) or has in the past got this error...
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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by Vandalar »


Concerning the bug (crash of the editor ) of Sajon, I can reproduce it as well. If I place a castle pillar on the edge of the map, the editor crash completely. I sent a report about it two months ago.

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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Post by bongobeat »

you can place objects like pillars or wall, just on the square beside the edge, then rotate them (if needed) and place them to the edge of the map, it don't crash.
My asset pack: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9320

Log1 mod : Toorum Manor: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5505
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