Tutorial Request: Animation Creation with Bender

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Tutorial Request: Animation Creation with Bender

Post by sajon »

I have been doing some modeling with Blender for LOG2 and have gotten to a point where I would like to try to do some animations ( Nothing major to start).
Was wondering if someone has a video Tutorial or a link for animations working with LOG & Blender that could be shared.

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Re: Tutorial Request: Animation Creation with Bender

Post by minmay »

https://www.google.com/search?q=blender ... n+tutorial
There's nothing really special about LoG2 animations. Location, rotation, and scale of objects and bones are supported. This script will import and export LoG2 models and animations including skinning data. Remember to bake your animation before exporting. If the lighting on your model is weird try turning it inside out (scale -1 on all axes and rotate as needed). Most or all of the animations included with the game are 30 keyframes per second so you should probably stick with that (since interpolation is linear, I definitely wouldn't recommend a lower framerate).
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