Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.5)

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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Azel »

Hi Jaberwoke. I plan to track down exactly what is causing the frame rate drop. I have double checked the only 2 Timers I use, both start/stop properly and only apply to that level. I have more intense timers in other areas that never impact frame rate so... the last thing I can think of is that on Clan Beach, 2 of the Turrets "fire" bursts that travel out in to "space" so to speak. Maybe the electric bolts that end up flying out to the ocean area are not getting destroyed, and so over time they are bringing down performance?

That will be my next test, to remedy that in hopes that the frame rate issue goes away. I can't think of anything else that could be causing it yet. Gasp!
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by minmay »

Yes, if you let projectiles run off the map like that they will never be destroyed and will cause a resource leak that drops framerate. Don't do that.
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Azel »

Good to know. Makes sense and I should have known better. I just really liked the way the electric bolts looked while traveling over water. So pretty...

Updaing my Mod now. Will be posted to Steam and Nexus Mods within the hour. I love the feedback I'm getting, as it will all fall in line with "lessons learned" when I complete the Mod with the additional Ages of Myst.

Thanks everyone!
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by minmay »

Well, you can always destroy them after they've traveled for a while. Just don't leave them there forever, every projectile is another 5 components that need to be updated and some of them are expensive.
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Azel »

Indeed, forever is a bad thing. Some proper garbage collection is much needed.

Steam and NexusMods are not updated to address this issue. Thanks all.
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Jaberwoke »

You should do well with this mod, Azel, your speed of response and support is excellent. Thank you.
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Duncan1246 »

Azel wrote:Thanks for the feedback! Good info indeed; you gave me some good things to consider for my next update.

Some responses:
The scope is found after defeating the Worshipers Enclave.
So I have to return in the Worshiper Enclave, because
I defeat all the monsters and I miss the scope
About Usurper's Lair,
I can't figure out how to kill him, no strike seems to do anything and I haven't found in the hall others things except the three pressure plates. Any clue?
Thanks for your quiick reply, it prevents me for giving up!
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Azel »

Here ya go
Yes you need to head back to the Worshipers area, but that is fairly quick and easy :D

To kill the Usurper you must make him vulnerable. To do this, throw an item on each of the Pressure Plates, once all 3 plates are pressed with an item, you have just over 30 seconds to defeat him. He has fairly low hitpoints so this can be done rather easily, especially if you have at least 2 freeze potions available.

Before the Usurper battle starts there is a secret button in the first room. It opens a secret door in the big area with the Usurper, just to the left of where you come out to fight. It has 2 frost bombs.

If you kill the Usurper while the fire is active (before pressing all 3 pressure plates) he will simply come back to life. Have fun!
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Duncan1246 »

Azel wrote:Here ya go
Yes you need to head back to the Worshipers area, but that is fairly quick and easy :D

To kill the Usurper you must make him vulnerable. To do this, throw an item on each of the Pressure Plates, once all 3 plates are pressed with an item, you have just over 30 seconds to defeat him. He has fairly low hitpoints so this can be done rather easily, especially if you have at least 2 freeze potions available.

Before the Usurper battle starts there is a secret button in the first room. It opens a secret door in the big area with the Usurper, just to the left of where you come out to fight. It has 2 frost bombs.

If you kill the Usurper while the fire is active (before pressing all 3 pressure plates) he will simply come back to life. Have fun!
Thanks foor the clue!
I am ashamed, but even if I have seen the little critters behind the gratings in the water forehall of the last part of worshipper area, found a button, a lever, a note of obscure meaning about the fate, for thirty minutes now I jump from left to right on the ladders without the slightest chance of understand what to do... HELP!!
Poor little adventurers! :mrgreen:
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Release 1 is Live)

Post by Azel »

lol well I am going to have a full Walkthrough complete by tonight. I will post the link here!
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