I thought the game was inspired by more than just Dungeon Master.
Though, Dungeon Master and EOTB both play similarly, however the setting of this game is more reminiscent of EOTB to me. The first game has you slammed under the town of Waterdeep, crying yourself to sleep basically.

There are some games with odd playable races, but the insectoids simply rule. I love bug people and lizardpeople.
I grew up playing these kind of games on accident. Most of it was already a bit out of date when I got to it. I found a used World of Xeen at the used game store around here... for 2.50$, back when I was 12 (in 2000).
and I also picked up Wizardry 1 & 2 for NES... and Eye of the Beholder for SNES, along with a bunch of other games for NES/SNES that I later discovered had DOS counterparts... along with a TON of other games. It was then that I found Ultima Collection (because of Ultima 3 for nes), along with the Forgotten Realms box (goldbox! woo!), the Wizardry archives, and M&M compilations.
Oh man was all of that stuff fun, even if it was all outdated beyond belief at the time.
My dads friend, and my friends older cousin who both grew up during this stuffs glory days, also hooked me up with Commodore 64 games, and OOP, hard to find D&D books.... along with Heart of the Maelstrom for SNES, which is my favorite Wizardry to this day.
\o/ Dungeon Crawlers rule.