neo-goth industrial set and more

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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by Azel »

minmay wrote:It's not a matter of offending people. It's a matter of possibly having the files removed from the Web, and possibly even getting your ass sued by the copyright holder.
Okay, but you did just explain the process one should go through in order to properly rip off intellectual property without getting sued...
minmay wrote:the 3D models in question are simple geometric shapes, so it's not difficult to make new ones from scratch that are stylistically similar but not infringing, in which case they would be your own intellectual property and you could do whatever you want with them.
It's minmay vs minmay. I agree with the 2nd minmay.

Phitt wrote:Also, adorning yourself with borrowed plumes is not the best possible behavior in my book. And what comes next? Advocating piracy? Those idiotic, narrow-minded copyright holder nerds, to hell with them.
That is an absolutely terrible display of trying to defend yourself. Nothing in that statement is accurate about what is taking place in this thread. All you've done is demonstrate a real-time example of the "art meets nerd rage" notion that I mentioned. Well done. Although I do like how immediately after typing up that pure forum troll retort, you state...
Phitt wrote:But I'm certainly not here to start a discussion about what's right and what's wrong. Do what you like, just make sure people know what they're getting into. I have said everything there is to say. I like this forum for the intelligent and polite behavior of its members, I hope it stays that way.
Riiight. You hope that after accusing people of supporting Piracy and narcissism via adornment that things stay intelligent and polite. All I will say to that is, the moment you intervened in this thread the overall intellect and civility took a huge downward spiral.

odinsballs wrote:i''ll not even dignify that with an least i have the decensie to stay on my own thread and not piss on another''s parade,
kindly show the same courtesy,...yes.....thank you
Yes thank you. Please do not let that Monkey Picture stealing idealist sway you from completing what is clearly a great contribution to the Grimrock Mod'ing community.
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Well, that escalated quickly... Step back and calm down guys - you're better than this!

At least try to keep the debate on topic / relevant to the points being discussed without getting personal.
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by Phitt »

Originally I had written a long answer, but I decided not to post it. If this is the sad state the Grimrock modding community is in then I don't want to be a part of it. < Nerd rage

Yours sincerely

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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by Azel »

Phitt wrote:Originally I had written a long answer, but I decided not to post it. If this is the sad state the Grimrock modding community is in then I don't want to be a part of it.
There are lots of great collaborate efforts and ideas being shared. Many ideas infringe upon other works. Even in the first Grimrock, people made Mod's that were copies of games like Dungeon Master. Someone is making a Zelda Mod, and I made a Myst Mod. The line gets blurry when it comes to copyright issues, however, the main thing is that no one here is doing anything for profit whatsoever. No one is claiming original authorship. So the only sad state is when someone like you comes in and instead of addressing potential issues in a positive way, you make false accusations and half-hearted insults.

I dont think the community would suffer a loss from you being abscent, considering what you actually contribute. Luckily odinsballs is finishing the work he started, as it would be a sad loss otherwise.
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by minmay »

@JohnWordsworth, Phitt: Azel only posts here to troll, just ignore him.
odinsballs wrote:i''ll not even dignify that with an least i have the decensie to stay on my own thread and not piss on another''s parade,
kindly show the same courtesy,...yes.....thank you
I don't think anyone here is trying to attack you. They are, however, warning you that if you use Bethesda assets, then Nexus and other file hosts are likely to delete your files & possibly ban you from the site. This is not a moral judgement on anyone's part; it's just the official policy on most forums and file sharing sites to protect themselves from legal penalties. Personally I think U.S. copyright law can eat a bag of walrus feathers, and I'm definitely not fond of NexusMods either, but the rules are there and we can't do anything to change them.
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by odinsballs »

i agree with mr wordsworth, the most sound words on this thread.
besides the topic is pretty much murdered to death , so there''s realy nuthin to discuss anymore
only words i shall furthermore waste on this and then let all be dun with, i shall not tollerate accusations of piracy, i pay for my games , and do not make money of of anything, having said that lets follow mr wordworth's sound advice and let it rest
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by Eleven Warrior »

+ 1 to John's suggestion. So can we still use the Sets guys? Just wanted to know that's all :)
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by Slayer82 »

Phitt wrote:
Yours sincerely

Monkey picture
Looks more like an orang-utan than a monkey.

Arguments aside, it seems the author has put a lot of effort into these assets. I understand the attempt to emphasise the issue of copyright infringement, but I hope this won't be an issue.

To surmise -
1. Take care when using the assets as your modification may be taken off the respective site.
2. Give credit to the original owners/creators of the assets when using other peoples work; OR remake the assets in question.
3. Be civil on this forum. Personally, I dislike conformity and forum policing, however there are so many bitter people that forums usually bring out the worst in people. Hence, the policing.

Congratulations on implementing some nice assets. By sharing them, you make this forum a better place.
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by Azel »

Interestingly, there is a very similar topic regarding taking characters out of Diablo 3 and putting them in to Torchlight:

Also notice how much more civil that blatant guide to transferring intellectual property was handled compared to what happened here :shock:
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Re: neo-goth industrial set and more

Post by msyblade »

There is no discussion. If you were not aware that Bethesda plays by stricter rules than most of the industry, Phitt did you all a favor. As long as you post that these are modified from original Bethesda models, and using them could (WILL) get all mods using it, and the asset itself removed from all distribution outlets, then you're fine. If you're okay with doing it ethically, and Azel is cool with his mod never seeing the light of day, then Phitt is a jerk. Odin, Drakkan, and Azel just missed a VERY embarrassing LoG2 debut, and I believe you owe Phitt a thank you, for being aware of what happens to THIS game, with THESE Assets. We have seen it happen. Not almost happen, but legal action threatened (No money being made, free assets, and he owned the game, Bethesda simply does not give a @$&*,it's theirs, and they have made this policy VERY clear to this community. Strange that a large percentage of people who like LoG's rpg elements, deep progression,and immersion in low fantasy would also be attracted to Bethesda games, but that's the way it is. The people that play your mod, most li8kely have played most of the Elder scroll games after Daggerfall (Morrowind and above), And THOSE are the "nerd ragers" that WILL REPORT YOU. Not Phitt, The damned players themselves, playing a free mod, AND ENJOYING IT; still feel a sense of power by "changing the winds", it is a form of control, or power, that rage nerds seek, Not Phitt. He was making YOU aware of this phenomenon because it is obvious that you are unaware of the history of this being attempted publicly. HE DID NOT SAY "Stop or i will report you", He stated that this is dangerous territory,and you should know why". Then, unaware of the absoluteness of his statement, we get Azel (Are you 13 years old dude?) and Odin, becoming OFFENDED IMMEDIATELY, at being, what?.....Scolded?!!!! Shamed?!! I dont get the reaction. Is this Jr High school? There should have been NO RESPONSE OTHER THAN "Holy SH#t! Thank you for making me aware of this phenomenon before it became embarrassing!" Well, screw it all. Odin, Don't remake the simple models from scratch, using those as a guideline to follow. Azel, USE THEM. Maybe Bethesda will listen to your "reasoning of "nerd rage" removing their right to control their property. FULL STEAM AHEAD!!

And dammit Odin, if you redo the base models, and use the LoG2 Asset pack for whatever textures you could replace, I WANT TO USE THIS TILESET, Right now. But if any of you think I would work for 6-8 months, to let BETHESDA remove my shit for stuff I wasnt even aware of, then you're not working hard enough on your mod. It Sucks. And it's downright embarrassing to be part of that "announcement". Phitt never said "Stop! I disagree!" He said "Heads up, we've been down this path before". Heed the words and stop getting hateful and defensive at people for helping YOUR ENTIRE MODDING CAREER.

Hope this helps Odin, We DO support you and your efforts to make AWESOME stuff for us!

(inappropriate section removed)
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