I started anew with created party in easy mode but the bosses like the trickster in the library and crypt master are too difficult. Is it possible to create a non linear solution based on difficulty level? So, if difficulty = easy then open a shortcut (secret button) to the beach avoiding the bosses. I might be able to slowly kill the trickster running around the altars, but the crypt master has 2 undead assistants. which are also hard to kill. From what I read the crypt master drops the golden key to open the beach stairs? I was unable to find the 2 iron keys for the force field table. I reckon that is something for later? Also a major problem is the aqua dungeon. At least drop a zarchton harpoon somewhere close to the stairs. Killing monsters by jumping onto them only works if their route is blocked else they just bump into the opposite direction. I used the Rite of the Moon after removing the 2 torches and after a darkness spell. The user feels different but no clue what happened? If it would make you temporary immortal to fight a boss that would've been a great help.
2) With pressure plates that only work with a dropped item I meant solo plates. I can't remember which map but they where in lower level trenches.
3) I believe the item was a power gem, but I'm not sure (my first play was without making any notes)
7) A message after to toggle a secret button to point you into the direction of the secret would be great just like the message you get about the spear gate that was lowered in Cursed Dungeon.
1. The Trickster is a bonus mini-boss. You do not have to defeat it, but if you do you are heavily rewarded. I didn't want to give the player easy rewards.
2. Fight the Crypt Master AFTER you have searched the ENTIRE Cursed Dungeon. If it's too difficult then import a party, play on easy, or create a battle plan.
3. No. For other modders it is, but I'm not proficient in that area.
The force field you are referring to requires lock picks to be opened. One for each lock.
5. You receive the Zarchton Harpoon once you leave the dungeon. Hence, the letters that tell you to return to the Cursed Dungeon.
6. The Rites of the Moon is an item you use to become more powerful during the night, but weaker during the day. It doesn't have anything to do with a lack of clues or indicators in my mod. It's a standard item.
The Power Gems must be used in The Wooden Alcoves across the world. There are four to find. DO NOT use them in the Wishing Well! Use the coloured gems in the well.
8. Again, some secrets are close and inform the players, whilst others are not. It typifies the concept of the isle being a place of madness and oppression created by the Examiners.
Is Frenchie the only one having this much trouble?
Are there others out there that agree with him? If so, should I make the mod easier?