Dont need any hints just yet though!
Isle of Dagor
Re: Isle of Dagor
No worries, the script worked. I am in what I believe is the final throws...
I found the 3 gems and placed them on pedestals, which allowed me to cast a portal to a secret location. But I still have that Snail Figurine so I want to re-visit the bed chambers again in case I was supposed to use it there. So it appears I have 3 puzzles yet to solve: the Snail Figurine, the Floor Plates in the Dark Woods, and I the note that has the Dance Steps (haven't figured that out yet). Plus, I'm sad I haven't figured out how to open the door near the beginning of the game where you hear those spooky whispers.
Dont need any hints just yet though!
Dont need any hints just yet though!
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:53 pm
Re: Isle of Dagor
Some quick questions regarding balance:
What level is your party?
How is your food supply?
Any significantly difficult fights/areas that you had to use lots of supplies?
How is your stash of herbs/potions/etc?
And thanks for being an excellent tester!
Some quick questions regarding balance:
What level is your party?
How is your food supply?
Any significantly difficult fights/areas that you had to use lots of supplies?
How is your stash of herbs/potions/etc?
And thanks for being an excellent tester!

Re: Isle of Dagor
I'm close to beating this, but here is some feedback from notes I have been taking

Answers to your questions,
1) My party is Max level (my Walking Dead party imported from beating the Main Campaign). Level 16 Mino Throw Barb; Level 17 Mino Alchemists with Heavy Weapons; Level 16 Lizard Alchemist Mage; Level 20 Farmer Mage. This might not help you, but I do make it a point to import my Walking Dead party in to every single Mod I play (unless the Mod doesn't let me do it). I like my party too much to start a new one, but your Mod does have a good replay factor; and the Throwing Barb in my group wasn't very effective here due to a small number of throwing weapons (I discuss again below). Instead a Light weapons Barb would have been much stronger in this Mod.
2) The food supply had to be rationed, but I don't think this is a problem since it was due to the fact that I take forever to solve puzzles. It looks like I can go fishing in the waters around each temple any time I want. I captured a few already but haven't tested to see if the waters replenish. If you aren't already doing so... you can consider a Timer or Trigger event that re-stocks these waters every so often with a small number of fish. I did allow my party to "starve" many times; but mostly because I was trying to solve these Math puzzles. Once I solved a puzzle I would let my party eat before I continued exploring. It all seems quite balanced in this regard though.
3) The boss battle with Ilius is the hardest, but the most fun for sure. I have not defeated him yet, I need to prep a little better first (I had zero potions when I walked in to his chamber). Nothing needs to be changed in Monster encounters in terms of difficulty. However, one thing I did notice is that in a lot of cases I ended up encountering a Snake, Mummy, and Medusa while their back was to me. And not just 2 or 3 times, I would say 90% of the time I walked in to a room or hallway and easily backstabbed most of these creatures within Underground locations. The above ground and open room fights were fine; but not hallways and small rooms. This isn't a problem necessarily, but it made the fights super easy since I was able to get all 4 Champions to attack before the monster even knew I was there. Granted my party is high-level, but even a level 1 party would have an easy time if most battles start off with the Monsters back to the group. Maybe consider monster blockers and triggers to help make sure the monsters have a stronger chance of facing the player?
4) The number of Herbs you placed is perfect, imo. And I love how the game unfolds in such a way that a whole lot of walking is required; yet the walking is short distances, quick, and easy - which means the player doesn't really feel like they are walking a lot. The end result of a great map layout throughout the game is... tons of herbs for my Alchemists without ever feeling like I was "pharming" the need to walk around. Time flies very well in your Mod.
Additional Feedback,
The Sanctum uses the Castle tile set, however, the Module Height needs to be set to 4 in order for it to display properly. Example of how this causes a strange effect, when I was in Elder Dena's room in the Hive, a secret door can be found by placing the Snail Figurine in his Castle Alcove. Yet the entire Alcove is not visible due to the Module Height; we just know that it is an Alcove because we played Grimrock and saw how Aclove's look in the Castle Tileset. Consider setting the Module Height to 4 on all Castle area's. This may not be entirely possible on single Maps with Multiple Tilesets, but a handful of areas can probably be improved upon.
I sitll need to defeat Ilius, but I can already tell that my Throwing Barb will have some trouble in the fight. There are not many throwing weapons to make him effective (unless I have missed their location?). I have only found 5 of 11 secret so far, but I am near the end of the game and I spent most of the time working with 2 throwing knives and 3 Shuriken. Only recently did I find 3 Throwing Axes. This worked fine up until I fought Ilius. Many of the throwing weapons stay "stuck" inside him until he is dead (as is normal) so more than half the fight my Throwing Barb will be forced to use melee weapons.
The Stone Puzzle that provides access to the Hives may have a slight bug in it. When I first encountered it, there was already a Teleporter visible. I took it and it went to a bedroom in the Hive. I marked its location on the Map but I did not mark the placement of the Stones. I don't think I ever found a clue to tell me how to get back here. It doesn't seem important but I kept wanting to re-visit that room; but unless I missed a clue, I would have to start a new game and document the Stone Placement. This isn't the bug, just wanted to mention this first.
After I found that first bedroom I saw the sign that gives the Access Key to the Mines. I completed that and moved on to other aspects of the game. I later returned to this location and entered in the access key to visit the 5 rooms listed in one of the notes (Elder Dena, etc). I went in order so when I was finished, the placement of the Stones was for Ka Flos (2,4,6,15,16). Again I left this area and finally returned again to work on the Snail Puzzle secret. When I returned the stones were still in the location for Ka Flos. I then moved everything but the last stone in order to provide the key for Elder Dena (1,3,4,7,16). The portal didn't come up. I assumed it was because I did not move the last stone; which could be a bug. The last stone shouldn't have to be moved since it was already on the 16 that both Ka Flos and Elder Dena share as a final key.
Now the part that really felt like a bug is when I moved the stone. My thought was to move the stone out of the 16 position and then back again. So I pushed it on to the 15 position... and then bam! The teleporter appeared for Elder Dena. Which means I was able to access Elder Dena's room with the key: 1,3,4,7,15. Nothing major but might want to review how this script and calculation is working.
Regarding the 3 color gems, I was able to solve this puzzle before finding the clue on how to solve it. I noticed that I was able to solve this puzzle by placing the gems in any order on the pedestals. It might be worthwhile to make it so that they have to be in a certain order (and the correct order can be detailed in that secret note that discusses the gems). As it stands now, I solved the puzzle before finding the note and when I found the note I read it hoping to see something about the order of the gems. It would have been cool if there was a specific order that revealed another secret!
The last thing I will mention is that in the Sanctum there are pressure plates on elevated platforms. Some of the pressure plates "flicker" which is something I am familiar with since I had the same thing happen in my Mod. If your problem is related to mine, you might have placed a Castle Pressure Plate on top of a Floor Tile. When this happens, that area glitches graphically. You may wanna check things and make sure there is only a Pressure Plate on top of either an Invisible Platform or a Void tileset.
That's all for now! Great work; I'm looking forward to beating the Mod tonight.
1) My party is Max level (my Walking Dead party imported from beating the Main Campaign). Level 16 Mino Throw Barb; Level 17 Mino Alchemists with Heavy Weapons; Level 16 Lizard Alchemist Mage; Level 20 Farmer Mage. This might not help you, but I do make it a point to import my Walking Dead party in to every single Mod I play (unless the Mod doesn't let me do it). I like my party too much to start a new one, but your Mod does have a good replay factor; and the Throwing Barb in my group wasn't very effective here due to a small number of throwing weapons (I discuss again below). Instead a Light weapons Barb would have been much stronger in this Mod.
2) The food supply had to be rationed, but I don't think this is a problem since it was due to the fact that I take forever to solve puzzles. It looks like I can go fishing in the waters around each temple any time I want. I captured a few already but haven't tested to see if the waters replenish. If you aren't already doing so... you can consider a Timer or Trigger event that re-stocks these waters every so often with a small number of fish. I did allow my party to "starve" many times; but mostly because I was trying to solve these Math puzzles. Once I solved a puzzle I would let my party eat before I continued exploring. It all seems quite balanced in this regard though.
3) The boss battle with Ilius is the hardest, but the most fun for sure. I have not defeated him yet, I need to prep a little better first (I had zero potions when I walked in to his chamber). Nothing needs to be changed in Monster encounters in terms of difficulty. However, one thing I did notice is that in a lot of cases I ended up encountering a Snake, Mummy, and Medusa while their back was to me. And not just 2 or 3 times, I would say 90% of the time I walked in to a room or hallway and easily backstabbed most of these creatures within Underground locations. The above ground and open room fights were fine; but not hallways and small rooms. This isn't a problem necessarily, but it made the fights super easy since I was able to get all 4 Champions to attack before the monster even knew I was there. Granted my party is high-level, but even a level 1 party would have an easy time if most battles start off with the Monsters back to the group. Maybe consider monster blockers and triggers to help make sure the monsters have a stronger chance of facing the player?
4) The number of Herbs you placed is perfect, imo. And I love how the game unfolds in such a way that a whole lot of walking is required; yet the walking is short distances, quick, and easy - which means the player doesn't really feel like they are walking a lot. The end result of a great map layout throughout the game is... tons of herbs for my Alchemists without ever feeling like I was "pharming" the need to walk around. Time flies very well in your Mod.
Additional Feedback,
The Sanctum uses the Castle tile set, however, the Module Height needs to be set to 4 in order for it to display properly. Example of how this causes a strange effect, when I was in Elder Dena's room in the Hive, a secret door can be found by placing the Snail Figurine in his Castle Alcove. Yet the entire Alcove is not visible due to the Module Height; we just know that it is an Alcove because we played Grimrock and saw how Aclove's look in the Castle Tileset. Consider setting the Module Height to 4 on all Castle area's. This may not be entirely possible on single Maps with Multiple Tilesets, but a handful of areas can probably be improved upon.
I sitll need to defeat Ilius, but I can already tell that my Throwing Barb will have some trouble in the fight. There are not many throwing weapons to make him effective (unless I have missed their location?). I have only found 5 of 11 secret so far, but I am near the end of the game and I spent most of the time working with 2 throwing knives and 3 Shuriken. Only recently did I find 3 Throwing Axes. This worked fine up until I fought Ilius. Many of the throwing weapons stay "stuck" inside him until he is dead (as is normal) so more than half the fight my Throwing Barb will be forced to use melee weapons.
The Stone Puzzle that provides access to the Hives may have a slight bug in it. When I first encountered it, there was already a Teleporter visible. I took it and it went to a bedroom in the Hive. I marked its location on the Map but I did not mark the placement of the Stones. I don't think I ever found a clue to tell me how to get back here. It doesn't seem important but I kept wanting to re-visit that room; but unless I missed a clue, I would have to start a new game and document the Stone Placement. This isn't the bug, just wanted to mention this first.
After I found that first bedroom I saw the sign that gives the Access Key to the Mines. I completed that and moved on to other aspects of the game. I later returned to this location and entered in the access key to visit the 5 rooms listed in one of the notes (Elder Dena, etc). I went in order so when I was finished, the placement of the Stones was for Ka Flos (2,4,6,15,16). Again I left this area and finally returned again to work on the Snail Puzzle secret. When I returned the stones were still in the location for Ka Flos. I then moved everything but the last stone in order to provide the key for Elder Dena (1,3,4,7,16). The portal didn't come up. I assumed it was because I did not move the last stone; which could be a bug. The last stone shouldn't have to be moved since it was already on the 16 that both Ka Flos and Elder Dena share as a final key.
Now the part that really felt like a bug is when I moved the stone. My thought was to move the stone out of the 16 position and then back again. So I pushed it on to the 15 position... and then bam! The teleporter appeared for Elder Dena. Which means I was able to access Elder Dena's room with the key: 1,3,4,7,15. Nothing major but might want to review how this script and calculation is working.
Regarding the 3 color gems, I was able to solve this puzzle before finding the clue on how to solve it. I noticed that I was able to solve this puzzle by placing the gems in any order on the pedestals. It might be worthwhile to make it so that they have to be in a certain order (and the correct order can be detailed in that secret note that discusses the gems). As it stands now, I solved the puzzle before finding the note and when I found the note I read it hoping to see something about the order of the gems. It would have been cool if there was a specific order that revealed another secret!
The last thing I will mention is that in the Sanctum there are pressure plates on elevated platforms. Some of the pressure plates "flicker" which is something I am familiar with since I had the same thing happen in my Mod. If your problem is related to mine, you might have placed a Castle Pressure Plate on top of a Floor Tile. When this happens, that area glitches graphically. You may wanna check things and make sure there is only a Pressure Plate on top of either an Invisible Platform or a Void tileset.
That's all for now! Great work; I'm looking forward to beating the Mod tonight.
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:53 pm
Re: Isle of Dagor
Excellent summary Azel. I will take what you said to heart and consider changes as they are all very sound suggestions.
I'm grinning ear to ear to hear what you've said and I'm very anxious to see how it goes tonight.
I'm grinning ear to ear to hear what you've said and I'm very anxious to see how it goes tonight.

Did you solve the dark wood puzzle?
Re: Isle of Dagor

I have not yet solved the Dark Wood puzzle. I have an idea on how to do it but my attempts have failed so far. I noticed that some pressure plates "click" differently under certain circumstances. For example, I mimic'd the top Loop in the rebel "L" notes left everywhere and here a click sound repeatedly. I'm still working this one out.
Do I need to solve that puzzle before fighting Ilius? From what I read in the notes, only after Ilius is defeated should anyone go to the Dark Woods to tell the others. So I assume I should wait til I whooped his ass.
Do I need to solve that puzzle before fighting Ilius? From what I read in the notes, only after Ilius is defeated should anyone go to the Dark Woods to tell the others. So I assume I should wait til I whooped his ass.
I think I'm stuck?
I fought Ilius and after a few rounds he said something like, "now feel the power of the crystals." After which he went in to a room and hasn't come out yet. I've searched every wall for a secret but no idea what to do.
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:53 pm
Re: Isle of Dagor
Ok, Ilius *is* supposed to come out on his own. So I will see why that trigger is not happening. But I will say this, the fight is still able to be finished (just did it). The way to finish the fight is also the answer to how to defeat Ilius faster. So, I will pose it to you as a question: Is there ANY way you can think of to get Ilius out of there?
This will permit you to finish the fight. I will work on figuring out why the trigger broke.
PS: When you figure out the answer, I would like your input on how I can make it more apparent to the player.
edit: found and fixed the issue and released a new version. But you should be okay to continue without updating.
This will permit you to finish the fight. I will work on figuring out why the trigger broke.
PS: When you figure out the answer, I would like your input on how I can make it more apparent to the player.
edit: found and fixed the issue and released a new version. But you should be okay to continue without updating.
Re: Isle of Dagor
Very nice!
I have to say, the way I brought him out was very fucking cool. I actually reloaded it to do it again, and this time I ran a sound file of Scorpion saying, "Get over here!"
Ilius is dead, and now I'm standing in the Dark Wood trying to figure out this floor puzzle. Might need a hint soon (still trying to map the sequence that causes the click sounds).
As to how Ilius got stuck, I did notice one thing before it happened. I was fighting a group of Xeloroid's while Ilius was up on his platform. I assumed that once I killed them all he would port back down (as had already happened a few times). However, I was taking my time killing the Xel's and then he suddenly appeared. So I was fighting him and them at the same time. For a moment I felt like this was a bug, but I kept on fighting. After I killed all the Xel's I turned my attention to Ilius, and that's when he sent himself to that room.

Ilius is dead, and now I'm standing in the Dark Wood trying to figure out this floor puzzle. Might need a hint soon (still trying to map the sequence that causes the click sounds).
As to how Ilius got stuck, I did notice one thing before it happened. I was fighting a group of Xeloroid's while Ilius was up on his platform. I assumed that once I killed them all he would port back down (as had already happened a few times). However, I was taking my time killing the Xel's and then he suddenly appeared. So I was fighting him and them at the same time. For a moment I felt like this was a bug, but I kept on fighting. After I killed all the Xel's I turned my attention to Ilius, and that's when he sent himself to that room.
I'm definitely stuck here in the Dark Wood puzzle. Also, I walked up to the Nexus Gate and was able to enter it even though it has the lock on it! I walked right through it and it gave me the original Grimrock 2 ending where the Champions walk in to the library chamber.
Re: Isle of Dagor
Hi. I'm in the upper catacombs (just learned how to count). The program crashes as soon as I try to cast the "Create teleport" spell on the rune (or everywhere else).
Here is the message:
Here is the message:
Code: Select all
[string "Champion.lua"]:0: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
[string "Champion.lua"]: in function 'addTrait'
[string "Champion.lua"]: in function 'castSpell'
[string "RunePanel.lua"]: in function 'endGesture'
[string "RunePanel.lua"]: in function 'updatePanel'
[string "AttackPanel.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "AttackPanel.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Gui.lua"]: in function 'draw'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk

- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:53 pm
Re: Isle of Dagor
Azel wrote:Very nice!
*edit*SpoilerShowI have to say, the way I brought him out was very fucking cool. I actually reloaded it to do it again, and this time I ran a sound file of Scorpion saying, "Get over here!"![]()
Ilius is dead, and now I'm standing in the Dark Wood trying to figure out this floor puzzle. Might need a hint soon (still trying to map the sequence that causes the click sounds).
As to how Ilius got stuck, I did notice one thing before it happened. I was fighting a group of Xeloroid's while Ilius was up on his platform. I assumed that once I killed them all he would port back down (as had already happened a few times). However, I was taking my time killing the Xel's and then he suddenly appeared. So I was fighting him and them at the same time. For a moment I felt like this was a bug, but I kept on fighting. After I killed all the Xel's I turned my attention to Ilius, and that's when he sent himself to that room.
SpoilerShowI'm definitely stuck here in the Dark Wood puzzle. Also, I walked up to the Nexus Gate and was able to enter it even though it has the lock on it! I walked right through it and it gave me the original Grimrock 2 ending where the Champions walk in to the library chamber.
I cannot reproduce the Nexus Gate clickable part. As for the hint: the clicks indicate a bad step. You were right about the path you were taking though in a previous post. So you are VERY close.
As for the Xels, yes, he will appear if you take too long. And actually you get a break if you kill them too fast. He is on a timer to repop. It is working as intended. So did having the summoning stones make enough of a difference in the fight?
Glad you enjoyed the trick to get him out. Any ideas on how to make it more apparent to the player that it is possible?
As for the Xels, yes, he will appear if you take too long. And actually you get a break if you kill them too fast. He is on a timer to repop. It is working as intended. So did having the summoning stones make enough of a difference in the fight?

Last edited by EnochDagor on Fri May 01, 2015 3:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:53 pm
Re: Isle of Dagor
Hello Alois : I cannot reproduce your issue. Can you tell me some details about your party?alois wrote:Hi. I'm in the upper catacombs (just learned how to count). The program crashes as soon as I try to cast the "Create teleport" spell on the rune (or everywhere else).
Here is the message:AloisCode: Select all
[string "Champion.lua"]:0: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: [string "Champion.lua"]: in function 'addTrait' [string "Champion.lua"]: in function 'castSpell' [string "RunePanel.lua"]: in function 'endGesture' [string "RunePanel.lua"]: in function 'updatePanel' [string "AttackPanel.lua"]: in function 'update' [string "AttackPanel.lua"]: in function 'update' [string "Gui.lua"]: in function 'draw' [string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update' [string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display' [string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk