Oh, I see.. so there are THREE secret buttons in the Excavation area, not just two, one for each challenge. Okay, I will go and find the third one Thnx!
As for the southern Zhaoze.. thanks for answering.. I found the lever after the forcefield and that lever actually broke the golden rule and removed the forcefield in ANOTHER map, in Eastern Zhaoze! That is.. unnerving Anyway there was another lever there and when switched, nothing has happened, the isle with the Elemental gem next to it is still inaccessible. Is that a bug??
Yeah, the Southern Zhaoze lever that activates the force field in the Eastern Zhaoze is the only time a puzzle like that occurs.
If you're referring to the lever that was previously blocked by a forcefield (in Eastern Zhaoze) and is now accessible, then that lever opens the way to the Elemental Plains.
If not, then I'm not sure what you are referring to.
The final release is now available on Nexus Mods and ModDb; There won't be any more updates to Isle of the the Deranged.
Thank you to all those kind words and for those who showed their patience throughout the last couple of months..
Version 1.5
- Changelog -
* Added two new weapons: the underwater weapon "Buccaneer's Blade" and the "Heavy Torch.”
* Added extra enemies; changed locations and placement of others.
* Made two new tome types - "Tome of Gloom" and "Tome of the Learned.”
* Additional room is now available in the 'Territory of the Aelenialen Masters' area.
* Extended the northern part of the River of the East and the Dungeon Aquarium in Cursed Dungeon for more playability.
* Made hundreds of Aesthetic changes throughout the world.
* Placed a teleporter in the south-west of the Main Beach. Activates after defeating Earth Mini Boss - 'Viper Root' in Elemental Plains. Also teleports the player to the Elemental Plains.
* Added new dialogue and story elements for both dead participants as well as playable characters.
* New clues and hints have been added throughout the game to assist players.
Aha! So that was what opened the Elemental Plains! I thought it would give me an access to the elemental gem next to it (the lever in Eastern Z.) How do I get to that bloody gem I wonder? There is no access to that little island.. I can see some letter lying there on the floor through the reeds, I am so curious what it says
And I almost forgot: could you please hint me how to get to the central island in the Grymwern Woodlands? There is a set of two closed spike gates blocking the bridge leading there, I thought I heard an Ogre walking there. thanks!
There's a secret in Southern Zhaoze that opens a teleport to Eastern Zhaoze. That's the only way to get
In Grimwern Woodlands you'll need a brass key and an ornate key. These two keys open each of the spear doors which allows you to fight the mysterious beast inside
Okay I now spent two hours trying to find the secret in Southern Zhaoze leading to the essence gem in Estern Zhaoze. I did find the secret teleport leading to the Ancient Claymore niche (cross map jump) and I have a suspicion that the other (inactive) teleporter on the eastern side of Souther Zhaoze might telep me to the gem. But its inactive.. could you please give me a hint ? (btw I ve been trying to get this gem for three days already
As for Grymwern Woodlands I do have both keys you mention but there is NO keyhole near the spike gate blocking the bridge, only a sign with the directions is hanging nearby..
I don't like telling players secrets, but three days is a LONG time. I feel bad for you...
After you defeat the slime bosses in Southern Zhaoze, press the secret button on one of the ruins walls. There is the force field blocked lever (which you have activated), a button which allows you to exit the arena, and a another hidden button that opens a secret ruins door in the west. Press the button, head west to the ruins wall area that was previously blocked, then pass a puzzle area. Once the puzzle is passed/solved it activates a teleporter to the Green Gem in Eastern Zhaoze. Remember, this gem is a bonus and is not plot or progress important.
In Grimwern Woodlands, you must walk around the centre area (where the noises come from) and head to where the undead rose from the ground. There is a lock inside that spear door area. Use the key then head back to the entrance where you hear the stomping. Then use the cube key to open the final spear door.
Oh, how could I have missed the lock in the Woodlands, I am so stupid! Thanks!
As for the gem in Eastern Zhaoze I still cant get to it. What you have described to me is not a solution unfortunatelly because I already know about this secret teleporter and it does go the Eastern Zhaoze but not to the gem there but to a secret niche with an ancient claymore laying on a pedestal As I said there is another teleporter by the wall there in the ruins are but it is inactive.. is this a bug?
Sorry, I made a mistake regarding each secret. I had them mixed up...
The green gem is in Eastern Zhaoze and is accessible by
pulling the lever in the far east of Eastern Zhaoze. It is near the ratling and the "Greater than two, fewer than four..." clue. Pull the lever, then head to the area central-west that houses the sign "there's nowhere to run". Jump down the pit and solve the little puzzle. Once solved head back to the start of the puzzle and enter the newly activated teleporter. Finally, you'll be able to reach the green gem (which, again is not plot important).
Secrets are the harder puzzles to solve while the main puzzles are much simpler.
Oh, how could I have missed the lock in the Woodlands, I am so stupid! Thanks!
Yeah, it sucks about the locks. I have done that on many mods before.
I miss so guidance a lot as I have been exploring all map and underwater with still some places I cant reach.
Turtle place with door locked. I have been on the other side, all doors opened, even get a weapon placing item on patience alcove but dnt have the slightest idea how to do next.
Same for the place totally south, above the forest where dogs are strolling, no idea, no clue.
I put an item/or walked on every plates visible on this map. finding levers in nice hidden bushes and all but missing too much clues