Please make an iPhone version

Talk about anything related to the iOS version of Legend of Grimrock 1.
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Please make an iPhone version

Post by Kukulcan »

I post this on behalf of the TA forums, it is a wish that comes up very often.

As item handling would be main problem of the small screen, I would suggest an "inventory" for the cell you are standing in. It kind of waters down the excitement of finding small objects in the dark on the tiny screen, but should be an acceptable compromise.

Another idea would be to outline items and the obvious click areas like switches or chains.

People are actually already playing on iPhone 6+ and do quite fine, still I fully understand you don't want to make an unchanged iPhone version not all people are happy with.
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Re: Please make an iPhone version

Post by petri »

The user interface as it is now is too tiny to be comfortably used on the small screen iPhones. We are considering doing a iPhone version, but it depends on the success of the iPad version.
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Re: Please make an iPhone version

Post by Sappho »

As a iOS developer myself I don't think basing a game port on iPad version success is a good way to go. People play on iPhones way more, most of our games sell 10 to 1 iPhone compared to iPad, I admit its a huge difference but even on average other devs report 5 to 1 difference I have yet to hear about a game that is on both iPhone and iPad and sells better on iPad.

Anyway good luck, as someone that bought both LoG1/2 on GoG I am one of those that waits for iPhone version as Grimrock is that type of game that I would play on the go when there is time almost anywhere, something I can't do on my iPad which I don't lug around with me anymore. So I hope you succeed.
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Re: Please make an iPhone version

Post by petri »

Those who follow me on Twitter know that we have been working on the iPhone version for some time ;-)
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Re: Please make an iPhone version

Post by Binarymichael »

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Re: Please make an iPhone version

Post by William Drake »

Binarymichael wrote:Image

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