I created a new object in monsters.lua and inherited from skeleton_tropper. The new object does show up in the editor, and I can add it without any bugs. However, none of my code does anything - it's just a skeleton trooper, and drops the items that I don't want it to drop. I've also tried changing other values like the amount of xp granted and those changes don't take effect either.
What am I doing wrong?
Code: Select all
name = "dead_guard",
baseObject = "skeleton_trooper",
components =
class = "Monster",
meshName = "skeleton_warrior_mesh",
footstepSound = "skeleton_footstep",
hitSound = "skeleton_hit",
dieSound = "skeleton_die",
hitEffect = "hit_dust",
capsuleHeight = 0.7,
capsuleRadius = 0.25,
collisionRadius = 0.6,
health = 120,
protection = 5,
immunities = { "poisoned", "sleep", "blinded" },
resistances = { ["poison"] = "immune" },
traits = { "undead" },
exp = 90,
lootDrop = {},