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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by trancelistic »

I"m nto sure of LoG2 has it like Log 1, other floors goes way slower in 1. so also the timer.

If log 2 has it as well, I guess you can put a timer some where emty on the map far deep somewhere. So the timer runs the same all over. ( you just have to calculate the difference then with it being slower then real time)
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by THOM »

well, I need the timer and it's triggering just in one level. My qustion is, if it's absolutely neccessary to stop it, when the party leaves this level or is it enough to set it on "current level only"... ??
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

:shock: This is scripted for LoG1... (my mistake; I will convert it when I get a chance sometime later on tonight, or tomorrow ;) .)
You don't have to use a timer for this.

You could use the game's internal play_time statistic to track time.

Code: Select all

	name = "party",
	class = "Party",
	editorIcon = 32,
	onDrawGui = function(self) 
				if lightSwitch.needed then

Code: Select all

--script name: lightSwitch

time_delay = 4   --
needed = true
lights_on = true
last_time = getStatistic("play_time")

function floorPlate(caller)
	if needed then
		needed = false
		needed = true
	print("Checking time: ",needed) --=----------[debug comment]-

function check()
	if getStatistic("play_time") >= last_time + time_delay then
		last_time = getStatistic("play_time")	
		if lights_on then
			lights_on = false
			lights_on = true

function setTimeDelay(num)
	if type(num) == "number" then
		time_delay = num

function setNeeded(bool)
	if type(bool) == "boolean" then
		needed = bool

function setLightsOn(bool)
	if type(bool) == "boolean" then
		lights_on = bool

function lights(bool)  -- add your own custom light controller here.
	-- this one is just for the example map.
	if lamp_1 then
	if bool then
		spawn("temple_ceiling_lamp", self.level, self.x, self.y, self.facing,"lamp_1")
end ...
Last edited by Isaac on Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

If you want the time of day you should use GameMode.getTimeOfDay(). Time of day in Grimrock does not actually correspond to time, it changes when the party moves and turns, and while they're resting.
Also consider using Time.currentTime() instead of the play_time statistic, depending on your needs.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

minmay wrote:If you want the time of day you should use GameMode.getTimeOfDay(). Time of day in Grimrock does not actually correspond to time, it changes when the party moves and turns, and while they're resting.
Also consider using Time.currentTime() instead of the play_time statistic, depending on your needs.
I recall using that for the town clock bell in one mod, but it was a nightmare to check accurately.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

What do you mean? Getting the hour from the scale is very easy:

Code: Select all

local hour = (GameMode.getTimeOfDay()*12+9)%24
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

minmay wrote:What do you mean? Getting the hour from the scale is very easy:

Code: Select all

local hour = (GameMode.getTimeOfDay()*12+9)%24
The problem I had was under/ or overshooting the hour when checking the time, and the bell was off. (IIRC, the problem came of not wanting a constant high-speed test going on all the time during the game. This was compounded by variant time speed during rest ~which still rang on the hour, and no time speed, when the party was stationary.)
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by AndakRainor »

Is there any way to make a champion use a UsableItem in a script (automatically, without the player right clicking on it) ?
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

AndakRainor wrote:Is there any way to make a champion use a UsableItem in a script (automatically, without the player right clicking on it) ?
How exactly do you mean then? (Please invent a gameplay example.)
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

Isaac wrote:
AndakRainor wrote:Is there any way to make a champion use a UsableItem in a script (automatically, without the player right clicking on it) ?
How exactly do you mean then? (Please invent a gameplay example.)
Using the item like when the player right-clicks on it or drops it on a champion's portrait, but without actually requiring the player to right-click on it or drop it on a champion's portrait.
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