[Release] [1.2] Artifacts of Might

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[Release] [1.2] Artifacts of Might

Post by minmay »

Download, screenshots, etc.

This is just the example dungeon I made for the Grimrock 2 version of Germanny's Dungeon Master Resource. 7 levels long, doesn't follow my usual design philosophy or have cool new assets but should be reasonably fun nonetheless. (Just read the page/README, really)

Includes Toorum mode, attempts at making firearms not useless, and moderate puzzle density. The README has solutions to all puzzles and boss fights if you want them. No maps or gradual hints this time, sorry; this isn't a mod I wanted to use a lot of time on. It's longer than other example dungeons because I don't trust people to use objects correctly without lots of examples.

This exact dungeon is included in the Dungeon Master Resource download, so if you already downloaded that, you can just open it in the editor and export it, instead of downloading this file too. Don't try to play it through in the editor, it's too long to do that comfortably.

If you save at an extremely specific time and have the debug console on you'll get this message:

Code: Select all

warning! game object property not saved: meltCamera.camera.camera
It's a known Grimrock 2 bug that has no effect on the game. You can ignore it.
Last edited by minmay on Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by Drakkan »

- how to obtain the keys (topaz, turquise) in the Hub cellars ? I see
small button behind destroyed red curtain, but do not know how to reach it
Seems I cannot decode these hints on west / east side of level correctly :/
- is there any usage for these tow magnifying glasses or Screws and Bolts item ?
Breath from the unpromising waters.
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by minmay »

All of those questions are answered in the walkthrough in the readme.
Drakkan wrote:- how to obtain the keys (topaz, turquise) in the Hub cellars ? I see
small button behind destroyed red curtain, but do not know how to reach it
Just walk off the edge and press the button before you start falling.
Drakkan wrote:
Seems I cannot decode these hints on west / east side of level correctly :/

Code: Select all

"To obtain the k     stav       ust leap"
"     eys to the    es thou m       at the red"
"To obtain the keys to the staves, thou must leap at the red"
Drakkan wrote:- is there any usage for these tow magnifying glasses or Screws and Bolts item ?
The screws and bolts are useless. The magnifying glass is not.
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by bongobeat »

I noticed an issue (or maybe it's intended?) in the room where you have to make a sequence with a button and 2 levers (The answer lies in a deadly pit.) , in the cellar level.
I couldn't make it so I opened the editor to see the sequence code.
You put 2 trigger plates that activate the same secret. That don't count for 2 secrets. After trying in the editor, I have only one secret activated. I suppose the final number of secret will not be correct.

Also I can't resolve this puzzle, even with the known sequence. :roll: :x :cry: :cry:

I had to cheat for the color sequence, not for the secret, only for the main sequence. I find the secret but could not succeed to resolve the main sequence. So I looked in the editor. Back in game, after 5 minute I feel very dumb, because I found the hint that gives the sequence... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

This is very good job, I'm missing 7 secrets and 4 epic items. Incredible scripted puzzles and a nice cinematics while forging the power gem. At a certain moment, I feel like playing dungeon master :lol:

Very funny thing, I looked in the items definition, how can you make an arrow that give +8 damage, I thought find tons and tons of line of codes, I did not know that can be done so easyly ... :cry: :oops:
The empty flask did not look so good for me, on a certain view I see only the cap.

Thanks for your work!
My asset pack: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9320

Log1 mod : Toorum Manor: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5505
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by minmay »

bongobeat wrote:I noticed an issue (or maybe it's intended?) in the room where you have to make a sequence with a button and 2 levers (The answer lies in a deadly pit.) , in the cellar level.
I couldn't make it so I opened the editor to see the sequence code.
You put 2 trigger plates that activate the same secret. That don't count for 2 secrets. After trying in the editor, I have only one secret activated. I suppose the final number of secret will not be correct.
This is intentional. It's only one secret, but you can activate it by entering either square, because both squares are opened by completing the same puzzle.
bongobeat wrote:The empty flask did not look so good for me, on a certain view I see only the cap.
I didn't change any of the textures when doing the conversion (except for bug fixes and converting the normal maps). So the empty flask looks the same as it did in the LoG1 version of the Dungeon Master Resource. In general materials like translucent glass are very tricky in Grimrock because lighting isn't supported for translucent materials; the glass is too bright in dark areas and too transparent in bright areas. In Grimrock 1 they also rendered differently in the Mac and Linux versions compared to the Windows version; I haven't checked this for Grimrock 2 yet.
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by Drakkan »

new party, 5 hours playing time, 30 secrets found.

The dungeon more reminded me Log1 than Log2 in its style. For example the dungeon gardens area was quite unused opportunity for some nice outdoor area and effects in my oppinion.
Otherwise I really enjoyed the gameplay. Whole dungeon was literraly spiked with secret areas, which was quite fun to discover.

It is wonderfull example of what could be accomplished with briliant asset together with briliant scripting. Some puzzles were quite standard, while other were REALLY cool and I hope you do not mind if I borrow
read steal
some of the script parts.
The dungeon design was little confusing sometimes (too many keys and doors) but at the end there was always some handy teleports around.
As for the puzzles, I was able to solve almost all, just this "trigger button while falling" is from my view quite unfriendly and it is more like abusing game mechanic.

just some notes:
- too many food (I end with two full chests full of food and still you can fill up the bottles with water...)
- I missed some better bow / crossbow (found only like 4 different pistols, but no missile weapons)
- Probably some new custom recipes would be nice
- I missed usage of some items (like dust from spores, mirror etc...) I wonder if there is some use.

Thanks for making this dungeon, it is definitely so far one of the best pieces of indoor dungeon I have seen around for Log2, definitely worthy to play.
Breath from the unpromising waters.
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by minmay »

Drakkan wrote:just some notes:
- too many food (I end with two full chests full of food and still you can fill up the bottles with water...)
The large number of food items is so that farmers get an appropriate amount of experience. It definitely looks silly in combination with the water, but refilling waterskins is part of the resource pack so the example dungeon has no choice but to use it.
Drakkan wrote:- I missed some better bow / crossbow (found only like 4 different pistols, but no missile weapons)
The only launchers are the longbows, since that's the only launcher in the resource pack. The longbow + Slayer arrows has better damage than any launcher in the standard assets. I wanted to avoid using standard items as much as possible; firearms ended up included (and buffed) because it would have been weird to make the firearms skill/traits completely useless (there are no firearms in the resource pack since there were no firearms in Grimrock 1). Probably it would have been better to do that for throwing and missile weapons too, since, as you imply, keeping them at roughly standard asset strength makes them look kind of stupid in the context of the resource pack's melee weapons.
Drakkan wrote:- Probably some new custom recipes would be nice
I agree! Unfortunately, those are impossible right now.
Drakkan wrote:- I missed usage of some items (like dust from spores, mirror etc...) I wonder if there is some use.
Spore pod dust acts as a poison bomb. The Mirror of Dawn is required to find a secret.
Drakkan wrote:It is wonderfull example of what could be accomplished with briliant asset together with briliant scripting. Some puzzles were quite standard, while other were REALLY cool and I hope you do not mind if I borrow
read steal
some of the script parts.
As I said in the README that you didn't read (note: it's called a README because you're supposed to read it), you are free to use any code in init.lua or dungeon.lua in Grimrock mods without any other restrictions or credit. I can't think of even one substantial or interesting script present in this dungeon, though, so I'd be surprised if you found any of it useful.
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by hansbleeb »

the tall sister wished for the lesser crown..
what does that mean??
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by eLPuSHeR »

I am stuck too.

How do you get the fungal pits key. As soon as I take it door closes. I have tried putting in alcove anything with same weight. No dice.

Also, cannot figure out.

"North for north, south for south" or something like that.

I also don't understand "the tall sister..." riddle.

And what to offer at the offerings room?
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Re: [Release] [1.0] Artifacts of Might

Post by minmay »

Guys, there are puzzle solutions in the readme, you don't have to wait for an answer here. Here they are copied from the readme:

Q: How do I get the square key out of the room it's in?
A: Near the alcove with the key is a secret button hidden in a crack in the
wall. Press it to open a chamber with a note saying that the doors in the level
look like they could be destroyed with a few kicks. To get the key out of the
room, simply pick it up and attack the door a few times to destroy it.
Q: What does "To open the north, north. To open the south, south" mean?
A: The four '+' buttons in this room light and extinguish the sixteen lanterns
on the pillars. One lantern on each pillar is lit, and every time a button is
pressed, all the lanterns EXCEPT for the one closest to that button are
"rotated"; the lit lantern is extinguished and the lantern clockwise of it is
lit. To open the south portcullis, light the south lantern on every pillar;
to open the north portcullis, light the north lantern on every pillar.
Q: What does "The taller sister wished for the lesser crown" mean?
A: The east alcove in this room is slightly taller than the other one. Place
Calista in that alcove to open the east gate. Place the Crown of Nerra in the
west alcove to open the west gate. Calista and the Crown of Nerra are both found
in the Throne Room in the Central Hub.
Q: How do I open the portcullis in the center of the level? [Hub Cellar]
Q: What does "To open the gate, offer claws beneath the sn" mean?
A: After obtaining the Staff of Claws and the Snake Staff elsewhere on this
level, place them on the shelves in the room in the center of the level, the
Snake Staff on the top shelf and the Staff of Claws on the bottom. The
portcullis will open.
The puzzles in the Hub Cellar are harder than the ones in the rest of the dungeon, since the whole level is completely optional.
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