Newbie here (sort of, more like returning to modding after a hiatus), trying to code my way through a custom dungeon creation.
I need help with a bit of scripting, or any other way to make work what I'd like to do: A two "locks" combo to make an open trap, close.
So far, I've got the dungeon_pit installed with the "open" set.
I have a lock nearby, accepting brass_key, connected to a counter. The lock decrements the counter by one.
I have the counter, with a set number of 2, which decrements to zero when both connected locks have been activated. The counter connects to the trap to close when reaches zero.
Here's the catch: My second lock, I'd like it to be a receptor (named receptor_alpha) that works with skulls. If a skull is "inserted" in the receptor, then it decrements my counter, just like a normal lock.
So, I've been fooling around with scripting lua to get my "receptor_alpha" to accept skulls instead of blobs, and get it connected to my counter to decrements.
Not succeeding
