Mystrock, Artisans Path (Complete Ver 1.5)

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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by Azel »

Yessir! I prevent fall damage on the highest bridge in that area, and prevent falling from outrageously high locations, but I agree that this ladder (and possibly a handful of others) could benefit from fall damage prevention. It would make things more consistent which is important fo' sho. Thanks for the feedback! Hope you enjoy this demo :mrgreen:
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by pstair »

What I liked:

-Myst Island, the rendition was pretty accurate and fun to do.
-Usurper fight
-Moving walls in Skeleton boss fight.

What I hated:

-Rat bosses fight. I figured out that
you can close the walls on the side bosses
but then
the stupid rat swarms path onto the buttons and free the rat bosses and suddenly I have three rat dudes coming at me.
-Mechanics of the Skeleton boss fight. If you dont have a good ranged party you are screwed, because the crabs do a ton of damage in melee and then you're contending with the spikes and the zombies on top of that.
-I had to use your walkthrough to solve the tune puzzle, I retroactively figured out how you label the 1-12 but that wasn't how I would have labeled it.
If you put a space gap between the top 2 and bottom 2 rows
, I think it would be clearer.
-Necessity to wait for the next few Ages which look bloody good based on the screenshots in this thread.

What I couldnt decide whether I liked or hated:
-Spring traps.

All in all, I eagerly await the actual Ages.
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by Azel »

Excellent feedback! I will definitely be making adjustments to the Rat Boss battle to make it more "fun" and less frustrating; and I agree on the Space gaps for the Sound Wall to make the layout more apparent.

The final version is sure to please anyone who enjoyed this demo. There are lots of great new features and creative puzzles that make each location feel very unique and thrilling. It's taking much longer than I anticipated but the fine-tuning will be well worth the wait I think :mrgreen:

Thanks again!
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by Azel »

Quick update:

I am getting assistance with custom assets for the Selenitic Age, screenshots to come! Also, 2 days ago I launched the beta version of the Mystrock project website:

This is slightly more than just a Mod, it's an overall effort to fully experience both Myst and Riven within an RPG environment. I have pushed the final release of this Grimrock Mod (now appropriately named: "Mystrock, Artisans Path") to September of this year.

I am putting a lot in to the player experience, including all of the feedback I have received from those who played the demo. The download count went from 300 to 600 recently (between Nexus and Steam) so the pressure is on to get the final release perfected! Aside from unique worlds and fun new features, I am also focusing on the impact of "player choice" - which will be showcased with things like multiple endings, unique boss battles, and selective travel areas.

Thanks again for all the feedback and support; feel free to critique the project website as well. Cheers!
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by andyroosta »

Look forward to the completed mod :D Nice clean looking website. Good luck!
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by trancelistic »

I would like to try this. But I don't understand the nexus site still... It took me days and weeks to finaly register to it with paypal.....
I even bought a membership and the site still confuses me. ( on request I can show all, I did bought a life time member ship)

nexus really confuses me how to login etc.... therefore I can't dl mods.. or even files.

Could some 1 aid a noob as me:?

Ps: I would love to try you mod.
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by Azel »

You can download the mod directly from the site: ...

A perfectly safe ZIP file :mrgreen:
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by Komag »

I like the website, makes the project and plans seem all the more legit and serious and noteworthy.
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by Azel »

Thanks, Komag! I hope we can expect another work of Master Quest art from you in the near feature :D
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Re: Legend of Mystrock (Demo Ver 2.9.0 complete)

Post by Azel »

Updated screeshot time,

I'm still on target for a September release of the final product. I recently incorporated a handful of assets from the Dark Elf Temple and the latest Dungeon Master resource for LoG 2.

viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8428&start=10#p85215 (dark elf set) ... 049#p96925 (DM Resource)

I placed one of the cool new weapons from the DM Resource on top of my favorite Alcove ever, from the Dark Elf Temple set, and thought I'd share the image with everyone:


More to come soon!
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