Maybe i should search for the second mobile wall
Please, don't worry about that, thx for play with my mod.Thanks for the time you take to solve my problems
Thanks Dhomochevsky. I already have the manual, but i cannot with this riddle.Dhomochevsky wrote:Hi TRANG, thx for playing my mod. Sorry if my answer is too short but my pc is broken. I recommend you to download the manual for this mod (you can find on the same place you download this mod, onedrive folder and nexus).SpoilerShowThis is a copy/paste from the manual on onedrive: "On Three ways/One key/Few secrets you can find your exit on
center teleport but you need to open 2 fake walls using button
combinations (1,2,1,2 and 5,6,2,3) and you need to find the key
before with another combination".
You can find on first level of this tower a note with a clue about this key combination (two first numbers of combination), sorry but i don't remember exactly now this key combination and i can't check it because my broken pc
Good to know!! about this combinationsEDIT:
Solved, i found the combination.