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Re: ugh so many timed puzzles...
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:37 am
by SodanKerjuu
In some puzzles you need to learn to sidestep / backstep instead of turning.
This forces you to memorize the sequence (at least partially) so you save that extra bit of time you lose on each turn.
Re: ugh so many timed puzzles...
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:13 am
by Pipsissiwa
I have no problem with timed puzzles, my problem is with the key buffering while doing them. In Dungeon Master for example, you could click a button on the wall, then hit the movement keys in order very very fast and the game remembered the sequence and moved you and you could be all ready to click another button or grab an item with the mouse as soon as you arrived. You still had to get the order right and you still had to be quick. This is too easy for some, but I am finding in this that I press a button on the wall with the mouse, then frantically press the movement keys and half of them don't take and I move forward 4 instead of 5 or I over shoot, or don't turn or whatever. I'm quite capable of sidestepping etc to save time. What I can't work out reliably is the appropriate re-press speed for the movement keys to ensure they all 'take' and it is making some bits, such as getting the Gear Key on level 4 stupidly hard. My party isn't burdened either.
I've been reloading rather than running back when I fall in a pit due to failing a timing puzzle but I've also notice that often when I do my party is back where I left it but the puzzle hasn't reset properly. Eg: I save before pressing a button that shuts some pits. When I fail and those pits open under me, I reload and when I come back SOMETIMES the pits are still shut, as if i'd just pressed the button but my party is back at the button that I haven't pressed yet. I press the button but nothing happens as it thinks it is still mid-sequence when it isn't cos I reloaded. For the puzzles where you can't see the pits from the button it adds a layer of frustation as I don't know if the button already thinks its pressed or not, and I get to the pits and they are open instead of shut and i fall in and here we go yet again.