Gay romance?notchris wrote:You guys are gonna love the ending, haha!

Gay romance?notchris wrote:You guys are gonna love the ending, haha!
Yep.Neil79 wrote:Gay romance?notchris wrote:You guys are gonna love the ending, haha!
+100Crash wrote:I hope that the developers do not ever follow the current trend of RPGs, which is to burden the game with a verbose and convoluted story that no one really cares about, at the expense of gameplay and game design. I think they got it right with this game, and it is refreshing.
So following eye of the beholder and lands of lore in design is flawed? ok....Crash wrote:I hope that the developers do not ever follow the current trend of RPGs, which is to burden the game with a verbose and convoluted story that no one really cares about, at the expense of gameplay and game design. I think they got it right with this game, and it is refreshing.
For sure!.Halk wrote:Neil, I'm starting to get a feel for the way these forums are going. There's been a few threads now where people are unable to discuss anything about the game if it means saying the game is anything less than perfect. They just attack you.
No, there's nothing wrong with EOB or LOL, but I think a conscious decision was made to keep the narrative limited in favor of the one playing out during gameplay. I honestly could not tell you what the storyline of any EOB or LOL game was, but I can recount stories of puzzles, battles, and places visited. The only story that I care about is the one about my characters exploring a dungeon. With limited resources, I appreciate the fact that this development team has provided enough story to keep things interesting, but have likely devoted much of the effort to game design, as it should be in my opinion. Even if this team moves onto other game projects with much more to work with, I hope this philosophy will not change. This is of course just my opinion, and everyone is entitled to have their own wishes for the hopefully forthcoming DLC or sequels to LoG.Neil79 wrote:So following eye of the beholder and lands of lore in design is flawed? ok....
p.s nobody ever said CURRENT TREND