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Re: The prison level
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:19 pm
by nychilly
It's in the lower left portion of the map, laying on shelf. So walk along the walls of the bottom portion of the map and you should find it.
Re: The prison level
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:53 pm
by dustswitch
where is the steel gear?
Re: The prison level
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:44 pm
by stage
Can't seem to locate the Infusor for some hours now, can someone please post a map of the room location? All alcoeves I've seen are empty in the "lower left parts of the map"
afrer searching lvl12 and 13 for over 2 hours finally found it, cheezus

Re: The prison level
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:47 pm
by Locke504
What pieces do you need to collect?
I have a bladed gear, steel gear, infusor, and ore.
Is this correct?
Re: The prison level
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:49 pm
by stage
Re: The prison level
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:13 am
by 2Four
When you guys say "Bladed Gear", are you referring to "Large Gear"? Cause I've found at least 3 of those and no "Bladed Gear". I've found and inserted the "Ore", "Infuser" and the "Steele Cog" which is a small cog.
But I've tried a gazillion times to insert the large Gear into the last empty spot (fourth spot) on the broken machinery alcove.
Third night now at this, starting to annoy me. This is not fun anymore.
Re: The prison level
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:39 pm
by Komag
there is an item called the bladed gear, it is much smaller than the large gear
you can find it in a "room" that is in the middle of the south section of floor 13, which can be reached by going to the very south middle area and heading north (you can see in to this area from the west over a metal junk pile)
Re: The prison level
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:23 pm
by 2Four
Thanks Komag.
I know the room you speak of and it is empty. I've given my head a shake and now seem to remember finding the bladed gear, but don't know what happened to it. With all the confusion of constant attacks on level 12 (And long sleepless nights over the holidays), I gathered everything together on level 13 and tossed it all through the teleporter. I've cleared out all the monsters and have been wandering around aimlessly for a long time now. It seems the bladed gear might be lost. I even found the hidden area to the north on level 12 that contains the save game area and even found a treasure, the globe of something or other.
I will give it another go tonight...problem is my party is starving, even with the additional foods I found on level 13 (Ice lizard steaks, caps). Running out of time.

Re: The prison level
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:08 pm
by Komag
It must be lying around somewhere then. Tossing items through the teleporter, IIRC, puts them slightly NW of the cube on level 12
Re: The prison level
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:52 am
by 2Four
Well I couldn't find the darn thing. So I went back a couple of saves, found it and went back and had to kill everything all over again. Completed the four puzzles and now happily watching this cube thing stamp out the spawning uuguardians. Cool. Just wondering how to kill the cube boss. Will sit down later and give it a go.