cloneObject is nil
- Centauri Soldier
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:45 am
Re: cloneObject is nil
Hey, thanks for the kind welcome back
. I'd love to join the project but I'm currently working on a dev team and going to school. I will certainly check it out though just to try to get some tips, thanks.

- JohnWordsworth
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Re: cloneObject is nil
If you do happen have a week of free time within the next few months and an idea pops into your head - then you're more than welcome to the join the ORRR3 later and contribute a room. 
With regards to getting the mouse position, you get a GraphicsContext as a parameter to the onDrawGui etc party hooks. I don't think there is any other way to get the GraphicsContext object so if you really need the mouse position in other scripts, my advice would be to make a very simple onDrawGui hook for the party which stores the mouse position in another script entity somewhere.
Just out of curiosity - why do you need the mouse position outside of a GUI context?

With regards to getting the mouse position, you get a GraphicsContext as a parameter to the onDrawGui etc party hooks. I don't think there is any other way to get the GraphicsContext object so if you really need the mouse position in other scripts, my advice would be to make a very simple onDrawGui hook for the party which stores the mouse position in another script entity somewhere.
Just out of curiosity - why do you need the mouse position outside of a GUI context?
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.
- Centauri Soldier
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:45 am
Re: cloneObject is nil
I may do that, John, thanks for the invite. Do you have a link handy?
Thanks for the tip on the GraphicsContext, I'll give that a shot and let you know how it turns out.
I needed the mouse position to use at the start of my Mersenne Twister seed calculation. Adding a little user input as "randomness" will greatly improve it. Although, as it stands, I think I have a very good PRNG seed so far. I haven't got any duplicates with this function.
This is general utility function but what I'm currently applying to is my random monster generator which works wonderfully now
. It needs a little updating to reflect the changes in monster names, types and varaible level types in LoG2 but other than that it's coming along. I really appreciate everyone who's helped me over the starting hurdles.
Thanks for the tip on the GraphicsContext, I'll give that a shot and let you know how it turns out.
I needed the mouse position to use at the start of my Mersenne Twister seed calculation. Adding a little user input as "randomness" will greatly improve it. Although, as it stands, I think I have a very good PRNG seed so far. I haven't got any duplicates with this function.
Code: Select all
--create the pre-seed for the Mersenne Twister
local nMersennePreSeed = math.ceil(Time.systemTime() + Time.deltaTime() * 1000000);
--returns either 1 or -1
local nMPS_Alternator = Util.script.Math_GetAlternator();
local nMPS_Addative = Time.systemTime() + (Time.deltaTime() * nMersennePreSeed * nMPS_Alternator);
nMersennePreSeed = math.ceil(nMersennePreSeed + nMPS_Addative);
--create the twister
--pre math.randomseed value
--create the math.randomseed value
local nMRSMin = math.ceil(Time.deltaTime() * 882937);
local nMRSMax = math.ceil(Time.systemTime() * 8829373);
local nMathSeed = Util.script.Math_Rand(1, Util.script.Math_Rand(nMRSMin, nMRSMax));
--seed the math.random lua function
--create the Mersenne Twister seed value
local nMSMin = Util.script.Math_Rand(1, 78364);
local nMSMax = math.random(123235453, Util.script.Math_Rand(math.ceil(Time.deltaTime()) * 45536, 987897843533));
local nMersenneSeed = Util.script.Math_Rand(nMSMin, nMSMax);
--this is the number for the maximum numerator and denominator used in multiplying the final Mersenne Twister seed value
local nVarianceRange = Util.script.Math_Rand(1, 12);
local nNumerator = Util.script.Math_Rand(1, nVarianceRange);
local nDenominator = math.random(1, nVarianceRange);
nMersenneSeed = math.ceil(nMersenneSeed * ( nNumerator / nDenominator ));
--create the Mersenne Twister
tUtil.Twister = MersenneTwister.create(nMersenneSeed);

Re: cloneObject is nil
One way to get a different seed every time is to use the current duration of play_time; though it's not random, it will never duplicate.
** I've not often used (or tested) the MersenneTwister object; if there is a practical reason not to use the above, then it's something I'd like to know about.
** I've not often used (or tested) the MersenneTwister object; if there is a practical reason not to use the above, then it's something I'd like to know about.
- Centauri Soldier
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:45 am
Re: cloneObject is nil
I think that's being implemented when I'm using Time.deltaTime().
Re: cloneObject is nil
Time.deltaTime() is the time elapsed since the previous update. So if the game is running at 60 fps it will be 16.67. You probably wanted Time.currentTime().
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I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
- Centauri Soldier
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:45 am
Re: cloneObject is nil
Oh, right, I'll change that, thanks all.
- JohnWordsworth
- Posts: 1397
- Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:19 pm
- Location: Devon, United Kingdom
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Re: cloneObject is nil
Sure thing - you can read more about the ORRR3 here.
With regards to the Mersenne Twister - I would imagine using a combination of Time.systemTime and Time.currentTime would be good enough.
With regards to the Mersenne Twister - I would imagine using a combination of Time.systemTime and Time.currentTime would be good enough.
Last edited by JohnWordsworth on Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.
Re: cloneObject is nil
Mersenne Twister is not remotely close to cryptographically secure in the first place, no matter how good your seed is.
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I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
- Centauri Soldier
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:45 am
Re: cloneObject is nil
No this isn't for any cryptographic application. And, yes, cryptography is its own beast and a completely different topic. I've been studying that subject for over a year now and feel like I'm just scratching the surface.
I was merely trying to get a very good sense of randomness when my level spawns the monsters. The spawner script randomizes many things including total monsters, monster type, monster level and location on the map.
I was merely trying to get a very good sense of randomness when my level spawns the monsters. The spawner script randomizes many things including total monsters, monster type, monster level and location on the map.