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Re: How's Your Laptop Perfomance?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:02 am
by drailex_mauder
TΛPETRVE wrote:I have one of these high-end Sony VAIO monstrosities, which I mainly use for video editing, and while it's not really a gaming machine, it runs Grimrock perfectly on max settings. Only when there's a lot of smoke effects on screen - namely, when a bunch of amanita herders are filling the area with poison clouds- things get a little choppy.
Excellent. If you post the specs, or even the model number, of your laptop it could give others an idea about what they can expect from their own machines for performance. Thanks either way!
Re: How's Your Laptop Perfomance?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:58 am
by TheBigMick
I have an Asus G73JW and am running the game on the highest settings possible and have no problems with it. It's basically a gaming laptop, quite high end. Was top of the line about 6 months ago. Runs smooth as silk
Re: How's Your Laptop Perfomance?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:04 am
by Filemon
The same as above, but Asus G53SW. 1920x1080, everything on max. Runs very smooth.
Re: How's Your Laptop Perfomance?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:48 am
by lostprophet
I'm running it on an Acer Aspire 5750G (Core i5, 8GB RAM, Geforce GT540M) and it runs smoothly on full detail, sadly the max. resolution for me is 1366x768.
Re: How's Your Laptop Perfomance?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:50 am
by kreischweide
drailex_mauder wrote:
Thanks for posting you experiences with an X200 Tablet. Do you have the C2D SL9400 1.86GHz CPU? How much RAM?
Also, have you tried playing the game with your tablet pen instead of an external mouse?
Yeah, Core 2 Duo SL9400 1.86GHz, 4GB RAM, Intel GMA X4500HD, SSD X25-M, win7-x64. Dont know the exact specs for the x201, but the x200 has a resolution of 1280x800, maybe you need to lower it if it does not match the x201s one.
Didnt try to play with the pen, but it should work. Could try on monday.
Re: How's Your Laptop Perfomance?
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:31 pm
by drailex_mauder
kreischweide wrote:
Yeah, Core 2 Duo SL9400 1.86GHz, 4GB RAM, Intel GMA X4500HD, SSD X25-M, win7-x64. Dont know the exact specs for the x201, but the x200 has a resolution of 1280x800, maybe you need to lower it if it does not match the x201s one.
Didnt try to play with the pen, but it should work. Could try on monday.
Thanks for posting your specs. The X201T has a mobile Core i7 @ 2.13Ghz, and I purchased mine with the 1280x800 screen (the higher res option seemed like a waste on such a small screen).
It would be interesting to get your take on playing the game with a tablet pen. For this style of game it might be easier than using a mouse.
You've sold me. After my final exam Monday I'm buying a copy of this gem.