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Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:40 am
by Isaac
Alino wrote: Although, I assume Grimrock 2 wasn't out when that was made. The 3rd dimension Grimrock 2 adds to levels is the only thing I prefer with its editor.
It wasn't out yet.
** For some reason I tend to like the appearance of LoG1 over LoG2.

But the scripting support in LoG2, far surpasses LoG1, and stuff of scripting nightmares in that game is easily done [and beyond] in LoG2.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:56 am
by Alino
I prefer Grimrock's 1 appearance as well. That said, the outside view of Grimrock 2 was gorgeous.
I've contemplated on which editor to use, because Grimrock 2 has a far superior one. However; I really like the Grimrock 1 weapons/armor sets/mobs/style/leveling more so than Grimrock 2's.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:52 pm
by Alino
This guy has some monsters I think are pretty neat and would go well in a northern-dungeon themed map.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:05 am
by Alino
I found 2 pages of stuff I really like -
And I was thinking, should I do the deep dungeon or the northern dungeon (Temples as well) for the map? My favorite is the Northern Dungeon but the Deep Dungeon would give me an easier time I believe.
Also, I tested more of that map. There were quite a few things I found interesting

Re: The Dungeon of The North (Testing Floor 1 Up for downloa
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:04 am
by Alino
Update: I have a Test Floor up for the dungeon! (I think I've gotten all the problems fixed but not for sure)
Update: Tested Floor 1 again, reuploading!