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Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:43 am
by seebs
Oh, and to clarify: The freebie torch is an everburning torch, not just a regular torch!
Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:38 pm
by brettshaw
Can someone tell me how can i Extract Console.lua im a noob in doing thes kinde of things, but i would like to have that everburning torch its sounds prity usefull.

Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:28 pm
by Wurmwood
Spawned a spider boss, he was naked (no texture) I guess he didn't make the final cut. I am at work, so I do not remember the call for him, I think it was spawn("boss_spider"), or vice versa.
Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:03 am
by DJK
Hmm why is it so hard to activate the console ? If I read this thread right it involves hex editing ? Which isn't overly hard but still "a step to far for the average user" .... they should make it possible to just add a line in the .cfg file "console=true" or something, that way, the average user doesn't have access to it but if you go looking for it, you can do it.... easily ...

Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:24 am
by seebs
DJK wrote:Hmm why is it so hard to activate the console ? If I read this thread right it involves hex editing ? Which isn't overly hard but still "a step to far for the average user" .... they should make it possible to just add a line in the .cfg file "console=true" or something, that way, the average user doesn't have access to it but if you go looking for it, you can do it.... easily ...

I am assuming that it wasn't intentionally enabled at all yet, and when they are ready to officially enable it, it'll suddenly get easier.
Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:56 am
by sdweimer
I was wondering if someone could post a step by step on how to enable the console, including software used to extract fro the .dat file, and preferred hex editor, the rest I think I could figure out but please post it just the same.
edit I found the extractor, and a hex editor. Still having issues gettin it to work because instructions are very vague on what exactly to do.
Nevermind used the script that seebs came up with.
Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:40 pm
by Daght
seebs wrote:dark wrote:Question, how do you enable the console? I checked the config file and saw nothing there to enable it.
Long story short: Extract Console.lua from the big .dat file (there's tools for this), and modify it. Around 0x7c1 there's a section-symbol which US keyboards mostly lack, change that to something you can type. You may have to modify the "developer" setting to "mouseLook" or "musicMute" in order to have a setting which the config file reader will process. (Two locations.) Also, at 0x50 or so, maxLines is followed by 0x0A, change this to something larger if you want more than ten lines.
Modify the .lua with wich program? Notepad++??
Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:16 pm
by montagneyaya
Yes, or other text editor.
For notepad++ there is a plugin for see the file in hex (HEX Editor) ... in_Central
Re: Dev Console fun...
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:28 pm
by OlegDX
In Main Menu can input the command: