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Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:43 am
by Batty
Isn't it possible we will have mods/DLC and sequels?

Why are they mutually exclusive?

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:44 am
by Porkdish
Wait, I'm confused.

Your convinced that all fan made content will undoubtedly be inferior, shallow and unsatisfying. Accepting this, you're also convinced that the developers will neglect to release any quality content of their own... because of fan made shallow, inferior and unsatisfying content already available?

That 'lets play' argument makes even less sense.

Convinced that playing only developer made dungeons offers the most risk free chance of completing a 'lets play' on youtube... you feel obliged to cock-block everyone interested in fan made content because not vapidly recording yourself playing fan-made content isn't something you feel comfortable with.

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:50 am
by Loktofeit
Greco wrote:I don't doubt that there are there many people who can make interesting puzzles, but are these people willing to spend so much time? Perhaps you are right and I am wrong. Honestly, do you have any case of MOD/DLC for games other than puzzleless FPS and modern RPGs?
Here's two:

Wizardry 8 - Reforged
Neverwinter Nights - CEP Nexus


Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:53 am
by Blackshark
Greco wrote:Mods and DLCs is a modern feature in gaming. But I am not sure it will work with old school games like Grimrock. Grimrock is not just hacking and slashing, it's after all puzzles. An I don't thing that fan based mods would add much to this. I would rather prefer a sequel, directly from the original development team. A trilogy would be ideal! And from what I remember every classic game (adventure or rpg) that had a sequel, this sequel superseded the first installment. (EOB, CSB, Baldur's Gate, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle), whenever the original team was involved in the sequel as well. So please, do not give the engine to the public please make a sequel!

What do other people think?
One word: MORROWIND. :D

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:17 am
by mrgaming4cheap
Porkdish wrote:Wait, I'm confused.

Your convinced that all fan made content will undoubtedly be inferior, shallow and unsatisfying. Accepting this, you're also convinced that the developers will neglect to release any quality content of their own... because of fan made shallow, inferior and unsatisfying content already available?

That 'lets play' argument makes even less sense.

Convinced that playing only developer made dungeons offers the most risk free chance of completing a 'lets play' on youtube... you feel obliged to cock-block everyone interested in fan made content because not vapidly recording yourself playing fan-made content isn't something you feel comfortable with.
I never said all fan made content is inferior, shallow or unsatisfying.. I just said I'd rather do an LP of official content. You're trying to make a straw man argument here and I won't bite. I was simply stating that I want DLC maps and I gave MY reason why.

Furthermore, I plan on using the level editor myself and even plan on making tutorials. I even created a thread on the subject.

It would be nice if people could give their opinion here without an argument starting.

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:49 am
by jfunk
This entire thread makes no sense.

Yeah, professionally developed material had a strange tendency to be of superior quality to the average fan made garbage. This much is obvious for obvious reasons.

How that fact takes a logical jump to "please don't release mod tools"...well, that is nearly inexplicable.

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:02 am
by Kthanid
I'm not sure I understand your objection to mods. You cite evidence such as your own lack of time to play, but I fail to see how that matters with regards to whether or not the community makes a bunch of games (or other lesser modifications) that you never use. What exactly is your concern with modding, maybe I'm missing the bigger picture (or maybe you're just trolling)?

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:04 am
by xdeath
I have absolutely know understanding as to why MODS/DLC will bar any chance of a sequel.
In fact I don't even know why you mentioned DLC since you make no argument against DLC, just MODs.

Think of it this way, Mods will give you something to do in the meantime while waiting for a sequel.
DLC should *hopefully* provide new content for modders(high quality tilesets/monsters etc) and result in better mods.

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:16 am
by Curunir
"Do not release an editor" has to be the dumbest idea I've seen on these forums yet.

An editor is the one sure way to extend replayability and shelf life of ANY game.
How do you people even manage to come up with ideas like this?

Re: Please not mods/DLCs

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:19 am
by regomar
I thought the OP was joking at first. The post made so little sense to me I figured it just had to be a spoof. Guess not.

I'm glad pretty much everyone has disagreed with him.

This game will benefit GREATLY from modding and DLC.

If the OP thinks that fans and gamers can't create content on par with the released game he obviously is completely ignorant of the modding scene which often SURPASSES the original games. I mean, check out Morrowind these days. It has thousands of times the content of the original release, all of which is free to download with custom stories, textures, and dungeons. People are STILL modding that game 10 years later.

Adding modding makes games live FOREVER. The OP simply does not know what he's talking about.