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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:41 pm
by HeavyMetalMonk
Mystina Valeth wrote:
Empyrean wrote:You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

While the dictionary lists it as a type of makeup, It's actually a code word that means "I play role-playing games but still can't spell a five letter word correctly despite it showing up all the time because I'm an idiot."

This is what you're looking for. The not-stupid way:
huh? I'm talking about Canadian football, my lizardman are rouge players... what are you talking about? O.o
I'm Canadian, and what the hell is Canadian football? Is that even a thing?
Stashkin wrote:epic failed.
Stop that. This isn't 2004 and i'm sure you're not 13. Not physically, anyway.

Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:27 pm
by Darklord
Please be nice guys.


Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:02 pm
by Xai
Here are a lot of ppl who dont come from US or England, why some ppl think all ppl around the world need to know perfect english? :D

Somehow it seems atm that noone know a perfect setup. It will take probably a while to figure it out anyway.

Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:05 pm
by Devil
Well, IMHO I don't think there is a perfect setup - its what you are good with, and what your style is.

I went thru normal with:
Human sword fighter
Human Unarmed Rogue
Insect Fire Mage
Insect Ice mage

Went thru hard with:
Human mace fighter
Human dagger rogue
Mino Missle Rogue
Human Thrown Rogue

And I found hard the easier run, however saying that, I found unarmed and sword better then Mace and Dagger - it could also be because I knew what I was doing on hard as it was a second playthru.

Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:08 pm
by Darklord
Devil wrote:Well, IMHO I don't think there is a perfect setup - its what you are good with, and what your style is.
I agree, one person's perfect would be someone else's worse nightmare! Still it is interesting to hypothesise! :)


Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:25 pm
by rakenan
Xai wrote:Somehow it seems atm that noone know a perfect setup. It will take probably a while to figure it out anyway.
I doubt it. There are enough personal reasons to like or dislike mages, ranged weapon users, and melee fighters to make sure that any "perfect" setup is only perfect for people who are comfortable with that play style.

Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:40 pm
by Hachi
Xai wrote:I'm atm fine with 2 warri + 1 rogue+ 1 Air Mage, but think about 1 warri 1 rogue 1 Air Mage 1 Ice Mage for next run.

Air for High Damage and as i read here nothing is really resistent vs Ligtning and Ice for freezing Enemies.
But not sure if a Rogue do really sence in first line, cause he will need to skill both, dagger and range (missile) weapons.
The neat thing is that you don't need daggers in the front row for a rogue.

I did roll the party, A couple slight modifications:
Minotaur Rogue w/ max Str / rest Dex, all Points in missile, Aggressive + Skilled
Minotaur Rogue w/ max Str / rest Dex, all points in missile, Headhunter + Skilled
Insectoid Ice Mage, Max wisdom / rest Vit, Split between spellcraft / Ice magic
Insectoid Air Mage, max wisdom / rest vit, split between spellcraft / air magic

It's amazingly strong, At the start I used primarily throwing daggers, shurikens and whatnot with the minotaurs until I got the bow, and the sling until I got the crossbow. Now I wreck most things. I just need to figure out the lightning bolt / enchant arrow spells. The only time I ever have any type of trouble is when there are a ton of enemies. Like the spider rooms or green lizards. But the enemies die so easily, and I have ~10 of each ammo type now

As far as I can tell there's no real point to go with melee weapons on a rogue. Missile / Throwing seem to do about the same damage, and also can't miss. The only risk is running out of ammo, but things die so easily that doesn't really happen.

I'm only on level 5 right now, but it's been pretty cake compared to my previous team trying 2 "tanky" characters up front.

Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:43 pm
by Devil
If I was to do a 4th playthru (3rd is gonna be toorum) I'd have similar, but change the ice mage for a throwing guy.

Enchant Shock Arrow:
Runes 2,6,8,9 as if the rune grid was the numpad

Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:45 pm
by The Doppelgamer
HeavyMetalMonk wrote:
Mystina Valeth wrote:
Empyrean wrote:You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

While the dictionary lists it as a type of makeup, It's actually a code word that means "I play role-playing games but still can't spell a five letter word correctly despite it showing up all the time because I'm an idiot."

This is what you're looking for. The not-stupid way:
huh? I'm talking about Canadian football, my lizardman are rouge players... what are you talking about? O.o
I'm Canadian, and what the hell is Canadian football? Is that even a thing?
Obviously you didn’t read everything before getting in the middle of something HeavyMetalMonk,.. the first link Empyrean posted, definition #4 of 'Rouge'

"Canadian football (Also called Rouge.)
a game similar to American football but played on a field 165 yards by 65 yards (151 meters by 59 meters) by two teams of 12 players each."

To be honest I've never heard about "Canadian football" before, I'm just messing with Empyrean because hes making fun of my English not being perfect because I misspelled rogue as rouge. ;)
Xai wrote:Somehow it seems atm that noone know a perfect setup. It will take probably a while to figure it out anyway.
There’s quite a few great setups out there, but IF the "perfect party" you're looking for is some broken combination of characters that makes the game so easy that you mine as well play the game on easy mode, then that kind of party probably won't be discovered for while

Re: Ultimate party make up?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:00 pm
by Empyrean
Stashkin wrote:Empyrean has just epic failed.

My team is very similar to Brilling's, apart from front Rogue, which is dagger+dodge. It works ;)
Unfortunately, when I found the first skull I noticed my Mino is not a headhunter (or whatever this skill was called)... no idea WHY I chose aggresive treat... :/
And how exactly did I "epic fail?"

I don't care much if people know perfect English. I do care if they can spell a word that shows up over and over and over again; a word that native English speakers who can't spell worth anything mess up on a regular basis keep getting wrong because other people get it wrong. It's like illiteracy is contagious and you're going around sneezing on people.