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Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:50 pm
by DJK
Nothing scared me... not even the tentacles, but the tentacles had the "oh look, that's clever" moment from when the 1st one popped up..
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:29 pm
by Jack Dandy
A squad of skellies chased me into a corridor, I shut myself in a room, my torch ran out, and then an earthquake started.
Needless to say, I needed a new pair underpants afterwards

Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:04 pm
by Darklord
Jack Dandy wrote:A squad of skellies chased me into a corridor, I shut myself in a room, my torch ran out, and then an earthquake started.
Needless to say, I needed a new pair underpants afterwards

Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:21 pm
by EvoluZion3
that sound of marching undead soldiers following you on the other side of the wall, and not knowing when they'd be able to get at you!
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:27 pm
by Baroque
I actually got scared two times.
One was
at the entrance to level 6 I didn't see any monsters in that room, so I just walked in and had an oh shit! moment when 3 spiders and AN OGRE attacked me at once I couldn't move. I died getting beat on all 4 sides.
the second time was when I pressed a switch, and an earthquake happened at the same time, it was just a crazy coincidence but I thought I released a boss. I ran to a corner and toggled between Q and E for like 2 minutes before looking all around the level for a big monsters. it's funny looking back on it.
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:57 am
by sapientCrow
My first one was a spider jumping me as I rounded the corner. My next was the tentacle and man was that awesome. Then there was one of those huge abominations int he prison as it unshackled and bumrushed me into the wall and I died.
In between there were the ones where all the walls would raise up and a huge amount of enemies would come for me.
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:07 am
by Asmodan
The First one was on the Level where you must find the 4 Scrolls behind 4 Teleporters, i run a lot of times over the same grid and at the last time a Tentacle came out of it. I was so scared i thrown away my mouse.

On the Second one, i fell down a trapdoor and then immediately a Spider jumped at me.
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:01 pm
by Jordan
Tentacles popping out are neat, particularly in the area when you defeat one and sigh in relief only to run straight into more a few steps further.
I'm not an arachnaphobe yet sleeping blissfully in what I thought was a safe area only to be woken by a spider chewing my face was not particularly pleasant - especially the sound.
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:50 pm
by lowzei
I had a number of interesting experiences with the monsters in LoG.
First how ugly and displaced the snails were. They just looked wrong.
Then how beautiful animated the herdes were, and their poisoned clouds.
Then the creepy spiders, how agile they were, first reason to mix some potions and you could hear them from the distance and suddenly they were behind you, biting you. I guess i also had my first shocking moments with them on level 3.
For some reasons the skeletons didn't get me excited, the warriors were no challenge and to slow. The archers could cause some trouble mixed with others but also just were not really exciting.
I also very much liked the tentacle and thought maybe if there are several drain covers filled with them, then they might team up and surround you in way, like giant snakes in a closing spiral. I loved every time they showed up but they also were to easy in my opinion. Maybe some of them should have shot some poisoned quills or sort of hyptonise you.
The ogre was great. He's much more impressive in the game than on screenshots. I like his stampede tactic out of the dark or in the corridor on level 9. Maybe a monster was missing which really yells at you and you get afraid just by his screams because you know it's there.
All those flying creatures weren't this interesting, the best were the Sharkk Torr as they were so fast. The Uggardian were neat but easy to deal with as well if you had an capable ice mage in your party.
Oh and i also liked the cave crab, it looked great, was wonderfully animated again and hey it dropped those golden keys.
The ice lizards were hard the first time i ran into them but if you had some space it was okay as well. Instantly had to think of JP.
And one of the most impressive creatures was the warden. The way he intracarpal whips his fails at you out of nowhere, made me jump up a couple of times. That's the way golems should be made.
I really appreciate that they didn't use rats, i hate rats, i killed so many binary rats, i can't see them anymore, therefore i really liked the introduction of inXile's The Bard's Tale.
LoG had a number of very well done monsters but it also lacked a lot too, like mummies, some really creepy zombies, beholders, banshees, wizards, ghouls, will o' the wisps, dragons, giant, goblins, vampires, different types of slimes and tentacles, basilisks, and so on just to name some of the more common ones.
Anyway i don't replay many games but i'll give LoG a second spin with the DM portraits and a party consisting of two rogues and two mages. :O)
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:00 pm
by MikeKathos
Spiders. Scared the hell out of me, still do. When I know where they are its not so bad but as soon as 1 catches me off guard I kinda freak a bit. The first time I saw the tentacles they made me jump but only because they surprised me, other than that I loved every other enemy.