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Re: Old Games
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:43 pm
by leewroy
Thels wrote:It's of course no contest between graphics. LoG, released around 20 years later than the other games, towers vastly over the other games in that regard. If decent graphics are a big thing to you, then no, you will not enjoy the other games.
Well, dude, decent graphics are not THAT important, cause you see, my favourite all time console was still the super nintendo. In my specific case, despite my age is a matter of downgrade, you know? It's something like telling the brats to play atari 2600 cause has awesomwe games, being thm used to NDS, ps3, WII, etc. Since I "started" with a contemporany game it's kinda hard to have fun with these old school dungeon crawlers. But I got your point.

Re: Old Games
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:07 am
by Kubouch
Merethif wrote:Well, following what you have done and where have you been used to be easier because, at least in my place, DM was a sort of "multiplayer" game - not everyone used to have a computer those days so usually several person met and play together. For example my two best friends usually visited me and we played DM together: one person operated keyboard and mouse, the other one was drawing a map with notes, and the third one played a role of general assistant (helpful comments, remembering things or just getting snacks from the kitchen). It's easier to remember where have you put those @#$%! bone necklace if there are three of you staring at the screen

Everyone participated into party creation as well. One person was responsible for one character (the forth one has been chosen by my little sister, she felt more important and was much less annoying thanks to that).
That's the way games should be played, stop the MMO madness! I remember myself as a child playing Might and Magic VI like that with a pack of friends on one computer. Everyone was one character in a party and it was FUN

Re: Old Games
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:36 am
by Treybor
Re: Old Games
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:59 pm
by Crash
Kght74 wrote:I didn't have a clue to do for the character selection so I just did what I knew and learned from legend of Grimrock and had 2 fighters at the front and a rogue and mage at the back. Never thought about drawing a map, just used to auto mapping. I am terrible at DM

. Will try but don't think just one of me is enough.
I usually used two fighters in front, mage and mage/priest at the back. The rogue/ninja class in DM is not very useful IMHO. The Dungeon Master encyclopedia has a list of all the available characters, so you could go through them and choose the ones with the best statistics. I think I used Hissssa and Daroou as fighters, and Gothmog and one other I can't remember right now for magic.
Hint book:
Re: Old Games
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:02 am
by Lord Chaos
I love hearing stories of how people played Dungeon Master and how they remember it.
This December will be the 25th anniversary of the release of the first version of Dungeon Master for the Atari ST. I find it hard to believe it's been that long. I knew as we were getting ready to release it that it would be a classic, but I never imagined that it would have such a long life that people would still be playing it and talking about it 25 years later.
Thanks for the smiles. I probably had more fun creating it than anyone ever had playing it.
-Lord Chaos
Re: Old Games
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:25 pm
by Darklord
Hey Lord Chaos,
Yes! It's an awesome game I was replaying it just a few months back, such a classic.
Re: Old Games
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:37 pm
by DJK
Short answer, yes, Eob was really THAT good.
Re: Old Games
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:28 pm
by Kght74
With the new editor coming out do you think that people will want to recreate these old games using it so it will be similar to these great classic dungeon crawlers?
Re: Old Games
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:30 pm
by Darklord
Kght74 wrote:With the new editor coming out do you think that people will want to recreate these old games using it so it will be similar to these great classic dungeon crawlers?
Yes, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
Re: Old Games
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:09 pm
by Lyverbe
Kght74 wrote:With the new editor coming out do you think that people will want to recreate these old games using it so it will be similar to these great classic dungeon crawlers?
There's no doubt in my mind that people will redo the "Dungeon Master" maps. For those who wants to do them, they should discuss it somewhere so they work collectively on a single dungeon instead of 18 people create 18 different versions.