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Re: Things I miss about Dungeon Master

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:16 pm
by redpbdragon
Miss it too. LoG is a great game. As an old gamer, what I miss most in LoG is the lack of training/evolving that DM had. LoG has a room in level 6 with monsters enough for leveling up, but it is a slow process after level 12 ( my party is now on level 18 but it took me days to do it). Hope we can import our chars in the new game (or I wasted several days of Uggardian's kill)...hehehe.

Anyway LoG is a very wanted game, for a long time.



(forgive me my bad english)

Re: Things I miss about Dungeon Master

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:52 pm
by PeyloW
Darklord wrote:
PeyloW wrote: Have to do a +1 for liking non-visible stats on items. Determine if a weapon is good by trial and error adds something, and it do make you go for the item you kind of like, not just comparing numbers.
This is one of the hardcore options for LoG I believe.

It is. I went for the non-automap option for my first play through. It added allot to the tension, I mainly memorized the dungeons, and draw maps of areas that confused me. Maybe I should have turned of the visible stats as well.