Dungeon Master Remake

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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by BlackHell »

I know now how they did it in RTC. The Maps are all starting at 0,0 like in LoG but they have a offset. So the Stairs are overlapping again like they do it now.
This is why at the RTC Editor i cannot enter target coords. If we had a Offset in LoG it would be easier to make the remake because i didn't have to use a script etc to teleport the player.

Ich weiß endlich wie es in RTC gemacht wurde. Die Karten dort starten zwar alle bei 0,0 wie in LoG, sie haben aber noch einen Offset wert, der die Treppen dort wieder zum überlappen bringt wie es bei LoG ja auch standard ist. Hätten wir die Offset Funktion auch bei LoG könnte ich mir eine Menge Scripte usw ersparen.

At the moment i try to get the maps as original as it could be. Because the doors are between to coords and are not a complete coordinate as in Dungeon Master some ways are longer then the original. If i cut them to the right length it can happen, that they are overlapping with other halways.

Im Moment versuche ich die Karten so nah am Original zu bauen, wie möglich. Da die Türen in LoG zwischen den Koordinaten sind und keine eigenen Platz mehr brauchen, sind manche wege länger als im Original. Schneide ich diese zurecht, kann es passieren, das sich die Gänge überschneiden.

I updated the file in my Dropbox. Ich habe die Datei meiner Dropbox erneuert.
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by BlackHell »

At the moment i am looking for a script that lets the party turn around 90, 180, 270 degrees. I need it for the level 3 Matrix.
I also need help with this script:

Code: Select all

function payment()
	if eye_socket_right_1:activate and eye_socket_left_1:activate then
Thanks for your help.
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by Montis »

BlackHell wrote:I also need help with this script:

Code: Select all

function payment()
	if eye_socket_right_1:activate and eye_socket_left_1:activate then
Thanks for your help.
You don't actually need a script for that. You can use a counter that starts at two. Connect the two eye sockets to the counter to decrement. When the counter activates (reaches 0) connect it to the door to open.
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by BlackHell »

Thank you. I didn't see this posibility because i want to have the door close again if one of the gems is removed again. Is there a chance to increase the counter if the gem is removed again without letting the counter get higher than 2?
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by Komag »

you just connect the socket to the counter with Event - activate and Action - decrement, and then add another connection with Event - deactivate and Action - increment. That way the counter number will always be either 2 or 1 or 0
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by BlackHell »

That's cool. I thought the things would automatic change their work if the Event isn't true anymore.
I also had to add a deactivate event to the counter so that the door closes again.
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by HaunterV »

Easiest solution i can figure is to put stairs in the bottom right of the map then have your 'true' exit teleport you to what would essentially be a stairwell with the up n down stairs. naturally each level down will need a different stairwell.

so end of level 1 exit teleports you to a 1x1 room with the down stairs in front of you, this room+stair is in the bottom right corner of the map. when you take the stairs down they take you to a similar 1x1 room withstairs behind you and teleporter in front of you, step in to teleporter to go to 'true' entrance of level 2.
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by Komag »

BlackHell, you can just link the counter to the door with Event - any, and Action - toggle (instead of having two links, one for activate and one for deactivate)
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by BlackHell »

Thank you. That helped. Now i have a wall_button closeing a trapdoor behind the party and activating a timer with 2 seconds which opens the trapdoor again. After the trapdoor there is a wall_button wich should close the trapdoor forever. But it opens again and stays opened. I think this could be a bug.

I have some porticullis with buttons which should activate a teleporter behind the door for only 1 second. How can i use only one timer for all without activate all teleporters at once.
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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Post by Komag »

I'm not quite clear on what you want to do, but I'm pretty sure there is no bug with the timers or trap doors. It may be that the timer is continuing to fire it's signal every two seconds, thus continuing to open the trap door. You will want to connect the timer to itself with "deactivate".

For the teleporters, you can link, say, three buttons to turn ON three teleporters (each button only turns on one teleporter), and also link each button to the ONE timer, which is set for 1 second, and link the timer to all three teleporters with "deactivate" (and linked to itself with "deactivate)
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