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[MOD] Eye of the Beholder - Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:02 pm
by djoldgames
I move this post to the beginning of thread...
Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder - Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:11 pm
by Montis
This looks so great! I might actually interrupt making my own dungeon and play this.
Must... stay... strong!

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder - Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:28 pm
by Komag
djoldgames wrote:
For moderators: Please move here all posts from the thread:
EOB Custom Levels,
I would like to edit and update this first post. Thank you!
did the best I could, ended up a little weird. your other post is now the new first post, so you can edit and rearrange stuff I guess
Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:37 am
by xdeath
If I may make a suggestion, perhaps you should change the wall textures to a more realistic brownish red. The current red is kind of hard on the eyes.
Anyways I'm glad someone has taken up this project, I never got a chance to finish EOB when I played it.
Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:41 am
by Komag
Yeah, a re-creation doesn't have to be exactly as garish as the original

Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:59 pm
by thomson
Great to see the intro in your last update (0.02.5). Very impressive. On some screens you show couple images from the original intro at the same time. I think you may try to experiment with putting several slides quickly one after another to get a crude animation of a movement (like drawing a sword or the party approaching the lord).
On the other hand, it would be more productive to work on the actual dungeons
As for the "red hurting someone's eyes", I think it is ok as it is now. I propose to stick as close to the original as possible. One will say that red is too red, then someone else will say that the straight corridor is too boring, let's add some loot there. Other will comment on monsters being too easy, so will we have ogres on level 1. See? That's a road to nowhere.
My understanding is that goal of this work is to recreate EOB1 as closely as possible.
In the changelog you haven't mentioned that snails now have different coloring. They now have reddish stripes and their underbelly is brownish-reddish. (Not sure if that is your change or the change introduced by grimrock 1.2.10 that came out at the same time).
Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:33 pm
by djoldgames
@thomson: thanx for playing and reporting. FIxed. Now it is level 1 almost complete with all logic including Special Quest.
@Komag: thank you very much for moving the posts.
@xdeath: change textures to more realistic brownish color - maybe later (after first 3 sewer levels completed), not for now, it is lot of work. In actual textures I ispired by colors of Amiga version (my favourite) of Eye of the Beholder
@thomson: yes, Intro will be changed, this is only first version I test the cinematic feature. BTW: what about the music track

And the retextured slime is my (funny) substitute for Kobold...
Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers - v0.02.6
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:23 pm
by djoldgames
With new version of editor I do some scripts refactoring. Thank you AH for the destroy() function!
Level 1: Upper Sewer Level
Logic is complete, equal to original. For all testers of specific level (in the future) I added to the starting location Teleporter to Level 2. Special Quest 1 reward - Guinsoo - is now throwing dagger (model and icon is cloned Assassin, and dagger inserted in the alcove is disappeared.
- scrolls and spells implementatioin
- model/texture/icon for Lock Picks and its implementation to game (maybe as a new skill for rogue)
- better model/texture for sewer doors
- models/textures for decorations as drainage grate and drain pipe with clickable areas on it (for the text messages)
- enemies: Leechs and Kobolds!
Level 2: Middle Sewer Level
First 3 sections completed. For the Special Quest L2 (insert the daggers in carvings on the wall) I used standard Lock (with changed height) under the carving.
Section with pits: there are not real pits, becouse it is not conneced with next level, the room where party fall through these pits is in the same level. Open pits are scripted as teleports. I use teleport as substitute for Ladder for now...

Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:29 pm
by thomson
djoldgames wrote:@thomson: thanx for playing and reporting. FIxed. Now it is level 1 almost complete with all logic including Special Quest.
Thank you for doing this dungeon.
djoldgames wrote:@thomson: BTW: what about the music track

It's very nice. I wonder if there's a way to extract the sounds from the original. With couple images separated by sleep(0.5), it should be possible to make a closing sewer gate animation with a sound.
Hah, I never knew that there are secret quests in EOB1. I've played it so long ago...
Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:49 pm
by takis76
Guys how to create wallsets?
I have a lots of wallsets ready from my Eye of the Beholder 4, but how do I put them and create custom wallsets for Legend of Grimrock?
Any Idea to start play?
Also the wallset from EOB1 will be available for other players to create dungeons?
I have seen there is and another wallset from "This rotten place" does this wallset will be available to the public to able to put them in our dungeons?
Thank you