EDIT: On the other hand, i wasn't able to finish it. I Could not get over pillar of penitence.
I also didn't get the puzzle in the skeleton area (Wrong is right + The other way)
Also, more respawn crystals would be nice

Code: Select all
script_entity_9:cannot serialize table 'x' with metatable
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveValue'
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'saveState'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'saveGame'
[string "SaveGameMenu.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
An error log has been written to:
C:\Documents and settings\Admistator\My Documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\error.log
Please email this file to feedback@almosthumangames.com
Can you reproduce the bug? I mean I've encountered that once before, but after that every time I've tried to reproduce the bug so I could know why it crashes, I've failed. I can save the game without any problems. I've tried to do various other things before picking up trickster's key and saving, so I could know what causes it, but with slim results. It seems random bug, but if you can specify a little more the conditions when it crashes, I would be grateful.uggardian wrote:Hey. I really like your map, but I found a bug. When I save after taking the "trick me" key, the game crashes:
Thanks! That's a relief. I restarted in the meanwhile. You proceed much faster when you know your way around - until you are stuck again.zeltak wrote:So now those steaks give you food properly. And now you have a good farm for your hunger related issues (if you find the farm of course..).