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Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:27 pm
by matthewfarmery
I was interesting in dungeon eye, but its been pretty slow in development, I hope there will be another release soon, as I did like EOB 2 more then 1, I think the story and setting was better, (and you didn't have to worry about food (it was a level 4 /5 cleric spell if I remember
if they pull it off, I would be happy, its one of my favourite dungeon crawler games of all time (Im pretty sure LoG will easy surpass it in every way
Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:53 pm
by Vermis
IMO EotB 2 is more polished and diverse, I like it more anyway. Played it first time with new characters and the second time with imported. The latter is much easier. Ah, the days of being home "sick" from school playing EotB 2...
But yes, YES! Lands of Lore is really good fun, imo you get more involved in the story. The voices are excellent - Patrick Stewart is always a treat to listen to

Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:46 am
by Disasterrific
Well, just finished eob3, using the same core 4 characters throughout. I enjoyed getting to the end but 3 was really shallow - outside of the mausoleum and maybe the earth elemental section there was very little in the way of really fun sections. Monsters felt completely arbitrary and by the end when most of the party were -10 AC they barely did anything but absorb punishment. Felt a lot like a scripted Dungeon Hack actually, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but not truly great side-by-side with eob2. How can you compare with the doomed catacombs or puzzle-packed test tower?
Definitely some poor decisions equipment-wise in terms of transfer-compatibility, I was using the same sword and halberd from halfway through the first game to fight the final boss of the third. The plot for 3 was completely laughable too, and while in this day and age we're used to a much higher standard of storytelling in place of where a tidbit scroll or two would suffice in the past, it really wasn't up to standard.
Anyhow, pleased to have got to the end at last with these, definitely a worthwhile journey and I encourage anyone else who's considering it to take on 1 and 2 at least.
Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:05 pm
by Vermis
I agree, EotB3 is lacking to say the least. However, I must admit I enjoyed it back in the day even if I had to battle the poor fps it had. My computer was mid-range and even so it took forever to load, clicks tok a second to register etc. I guess I was just RPG-starved and desperate for my fix.
EotB 2 is glorious and you really, really should/must/have to try Lands of Lore. Playing it again as we speak

Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:03 pm
by Disasterrific
I will definitely be doing that - playing Etrian Odyssey on the DS atm, fantastic mash-up of dungeon crawler and JRPG.
The speed with EOB3 was a bit frustrating - sped it up to 4000 on dosbox and still felt clumsy, saving and loading ran very slowly.
Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:32 am
by Isaac
Vermis wrote:I agree, EotB3 is lacking to say the least. However, I must admit I enjoyed it back in the day even if I had to battle the poor fps it had. My computer was mid-range and even so it took forever to load, clicks tok a second to register etc. I guess I was just RPG-starved and desperate for my fix.
EotB 2 is glorious and you really, really should/must/have to try Lands of Lore. Playing it again as we speak

IIRC... Westwood had a falling out with SSI, so SSI made EOB3 on their own ~and Westwood made Lands of Lore.
** At least one developer that worked on the Eye of the Beholder series, has posted in the Grimrock Blog; several weeks ago (maybe months?).
Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:30 pm
by Vermis
Isaac wrote:
IIRC... Westwood had a falling out with SSI, so SSI made EOB3 on their own ~and Westwood made Lands of Lore.
** At least one developer that worked on the Eye of the Beholder series, has posted in the Grimrock Blog; several weeks ago (maybe months?).
Hm, I must have missed that. Thanks for the heads up, I'll have some looking to do later then. As for the falling out, I remember that! It had something to do with SSI wanting Westwood to churn out games faster I think...
I was so sad when Westwood threw in the towel — they gave me such joy in my teenage years! EotB, LoL, Dune II, C&C, The Kyrandia series... mmm

Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:18 pm
by ozmiz
Thanks for the links... appreciate it!
Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:37 pm
by rodrell
The feeling everytime I watch EoB 1 intro..the music....the ceiling's still makes the hair on the back of my head stand....For me EoB 1 is still the best dungeon crawler bar none.
Here's a link on how to run EoB 3 smoothly: ... op32_guide
Re: Back to the Beholder
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:16 pm
by Darklord
I replayed EOB and EOB 2 in the last year or so, best way I found was with an Amiga emulator. Classic games!