ElfBane wrote:
I have only beaten the Elder Herder. I beat the green slime (is this the aboleth the quests mention?) that is in the same area as the Elder Herder, but the slime didn't drop anything. I then found the secret passage... and got the "secret found" audio ding. I also got the "secret found" audio ding when I LEFT the secret passage... a little odd I thought.
After the above events I returned to the city to sell loot and I rested when there. Then the CTDs started. The CTD happens every time now.
Well, this definitely should not happen. Question: did you download this mod when it was version 0.1, and did you then update it through the Custom Dungeon menu to 0.2 and then reload a saved game? I did some minor changes to things then, but I at least managed to load an old saved game despite this. But it might have caused some bugs.
Re: green slime: yes, on L1 there's exactly one green slime, who is in an anti-magic room, gives like 400xp and is tougher than a regular slime. This is indeed the aboleth boss. It SHOULD however with 100% probability drop a green gem, so it's very strange indeed if it didn't drop that. Might be a sign of some nastier bugginess. The Elder Herder is a result of what in Mordor is known as a 'stud square', that is to say a room that spawns monsters from lower levels; there are a few of these rooms on each level, and they have a chance of spawning something from the level below (in this case crabs, wyverns, elder herders, skeleton patrols etc.).
Could you do me a favour and try to restart with another party, and see if you still CTD? I seem to have some trouble replicating this error, especially as I know I haven't mucked about in any model animation files or the like (the only custom model is the coin pouch object which is just a resized sack).
Regarding the Secret sounds: yes, I know it does it from both directions. It's due to the logic involved in automating the secret doors (a complicated onMove hook tied to a script that checks the facing of the Secret objects); there needs to be one on each side of the door, so that it can be opened from either direction. It only does the sound once though, after that it's quiet. Since there's a teleporter that teleports you randomly around the level, there's always a chance you will end up on the wrong side of the secret door (and there are even more such places in the lower levels), but you still need to be able to open it from either direction. I might be able to script it so that it activates both secrets at once, but I've found it to be a pretty minor worry.
ElfBane wrote:I "think" the text message "0 minutes untill reset" refers to the levels respawning. I have not picked up everything that's been dropped on L1 because of burdening... and maybe the CTD is caused by a respawn trying to spawn in a square that has loot drop on it. Just an idea.
When resetting, the script automatically scours the dungeon clean of all monsters and dropped items, with very few exceptions. However you're right that it's probably this script that is messing things up -- one more question: does it crash when you press a button to wake up, or does it crash the moment you press R to rest?