I will try to explains this process.I'd love if you shared the way you have made the stars in the sky !
I have tried a few particle system configuration for this but i didn't managed to get a nice result like you have done.
------ The Starsky tutorial -------

First, shaders seem to be hardcoded within the materials and objects in LOG, but that does not stop you from assigning that material to other objects and getting the shader effect.
Healing crystal material is the best example, assigning it to the daemon_head gives us a head that has animating surfaces ingame like the healing crystal.

This has applications - forcefields and Ice materials to name a few.
Also textures that have shaders applied will render to a far greater distance then other materials, this can be curse and a blessing depending on what you are doing.

I tried many particle system combinations to get stars but in the end I went for the most simple approach possible, I just made stars.

simple triangles of different sizes spread out on a ceiling sized grid with the healing crystal material, that is the ceiling tile of the set, then I just offset it higher then normal.
The end result are stars that seem to glitter (because of the healing crystal shader) far above the trees.

This can also be used as a ceiling replacement tile for special rooms, if you want to create the illusion that you have stepped out off the dungeon for a short time, to a balcony or something like that, spawning something outside the wall like a tree will also add to the effect that you are outside.

its all smoke and mirrors
