Ta Batty! I might leave the herders be for now and come back to them once some of the easier monsters are doneBatty wrote:If this is in GIMP, I have the same problem with alpha channel. I think you need some sort of alpha mask on it but I've tried a bunch of things and can't get it. I gave up & export it as a .png then open in Paint.net and save as .dds and the alpha works fine.akroma222 wrote:but I am having some trouble when exporting due to the dangly vine bits (transparency/alpha channel) required... when I drop them into the editor, the rest of the herder is fine but those bits look like they have a cut-out line around them and have very little texture... does anyone know how to export these textures properly??
I need a click-by-click tutorial on how to do it.

@Billick and Fhizban - thanks hey

I am pretty keen to get a couple of scavenger and shrak torr mods up and running too....
I have done the icons and textures for fire/green and dark lizard steaks also, but for some reason the texture just wont wrap around the model....