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Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:17 pm
by JohnWordsworth
Haha, I completely forgot that Dungeon Master had the injury mechanic!
As for the damage running into the wall - I came to hate that sound effect. Heh. What made it worse was that Dungeon Master had lots of secret walls that you just had to find through trial and error (and damage). I don't miss invisible secret walls that had no clues as to their location!
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:29 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Oh there was a clue, at least in versions past the initial release. When facing a wall clicking on it either got you a knock-sound for a solid wall or the mouse cursor disappeared at an illusionary wall.
Of course running into walls was way faster

Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:38 pm
by Chesuncook
Wow, I don't remember invisible walls in DM. Were they in the original? I only played the original and LOC (and never finished that).
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:49 am
by Hatti
they weren't exactly invisible walls, you could see them. they were false walls that you could walk through.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:18 pm
by badhabit
Dr.Disaster wrote:Killing with a door is not possible in LoG due to a design difference. In Dungeon Master a door took the room of an entire square so it could hit anything under it, including your party! In LoG doors are located at the edges of a square so they can't hit anything.
infact, LOG could have (and should? can this considered a bug?) even with doors modeled as between the tiles a door-damage mechanic.
See this picture, should hurt enourmously:
(Note: closed the door the moment the enemy attacked,so the enmy was "hit" by the door in the attack)
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:18 pm
by Chesuncook
I agree! Though this is probably beyond the scope of the game engine, it would be cool if that crab could have had its arm jammed in the door and been unable to move.

Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:54 pm
by John Smith
Chesuncook wrote:Does everyone remember the damage you used to take running in to walls?
Oh god. Please don't remind me. I still feel the need to punch my wall every time someone mentions this.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:21 pm
by Chesuncook
John Smith wrote:Oh god. Please don't remind me. I still feel the need to punch my wall every time someone mentions this.
It was ridiculous. No party would ever walk into a wall so hard as to cause pain and suffering (let alone death!!). The developers should have realized at some point that they were leaving reality behind with that addition to the physics engine!
Actually, lmao, I just remembered something. Sometimes if I wanted a certain character to gain skills/levels to get ahead or catch up to other characters, I would beat a monster almost to death, then run around a corner and bump into a wall until everyone was dead but the one I wanted to advance. I would then return to the creature and kill it with the lone character (usually by throwing a burnt torch at it because I had earlier beaten it to within an inch of its life). This would cause all experience points to be given to the only living character thus advancing him or her quicker than usual. This trick was best used near one of those regeneration niches in the wall. Did anyone else do this or something similiar?
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:18 am
by JKos
I have done this, but haven't published any dungeons yet. I had to modify the door close functionality so that you can't close doors immediately after you have opened it, so I added 1 second delay to it, maybe it should be 2 seconds, but it's doable anyway. If you are a modder, you can test it by installing my framework(links is in my signature) and enabling the damage_dealing_doors module.
Re: Kill with Door
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:06 pm
by badhabit
JKos wrote:I have done this, but haven't published any dungeons yet. I had to modify the door close functionality so that you can't close doors immediately after you have opened it, so I added 1 second delay to it, maybe it should be 2 seconds, but it's doable anyway. If you are a modder, you can test it by installing my framework(links is in my signature) and enabling the damage_dealing_doors module.
Sounds good.
What do you think should your modul be considered a bugfix for the LoG base game in general and promoted to petri for next patch? (see crab situation)