I had paused Grimrock waiting OSX version and got it only very recently so I didn't saw this vote and I have to finish the game (final fight on duty). But coming back to the game was stunning, I had forgot how fun it ls. I made the longest gameplay session since a very long time, possibly the longest ever!
As I have almost finished the game and I already started new plays in parallel including a Toorum play, I'm looking to play mods.
I wonder if some sites try to collect and review the mods, for example, the best finished mods, the best already unfinished mods already worth a pure playing (not about testing to help moders), puzzles or fights help/guide for the best mods, mods difficulty level, collect results of dungeon of the month votes, and so on.
I have check a bit Steam workshop but it's not enough informative, it is missing a more coordinate point of view. So I wonder what are the noteworthy url for mods covering. Sort of Grimrockscope sites covering mods.