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Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:19 pm
by msyblade
Nice Buzz! and Quick! :)

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:01 pm
by germanny
Drakkan wrote:I´d like to have some carpets pls. some old one for dungeons and some nice golden to temple (acutaly perhaps some gobelins model could be used here?)
A carpet? Here it is^^
Carpet model example by Germanny on Grimrock Nexus

I add the UV layout, so easy adding of other carpets possible!
If you want to make a carpet with holes in it (alphachannel) make sure to edit the specular map or disable specmap*.


*Edit: Disabling specmap is nonsense^^

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:17 pm
by BuzzJ
Heres a link to my dropbox. Not sure how i feel about Nexus yet.
feel free to use, edit, distribute and all that. Mentioning me wouldn't be a bad thing but not required.

Hope that the model is what the requester wanted.

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:28 pm
by undeaddemon
germanny wrote:
Drakkan wrote:I´d like to have some carpets pls. some old one for dungeons and some nice golden to temple (acutaly perhaps some gobelins model could be used here?)
A carpet? Here it is^^
Carpet model example by Germanny on Grimrock Nexus

I add the UV layout, so easy adding of other carpets possible!
If you want to make a carpet with holes in it (alphachannel) make sure to edit the specular map or disable specmap*.


*Edit: Disabling specmap is nonsense^^
Awesome, awesome, AwEsome, aWeSOME, aweSome, AWEsome, AWESOME, awe-some, a w e s o m e, A W E S O M E ... just all different kinds of awesome from you!!

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:38 pm
by Bluefire3366
I can do the cupboard. I have 3 years of solid modeling experience. One question however: I am not quite sure how to make autodesk inventor files compatible with grimrock, so when that time comes, I will need some assistance.

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:10 pm
by BuzzJ
Bluefire3366 wrote:I can do the cupboard. I have 3 years of solid modeling experience. One question however: I am not quite sure how to make autodesk inventor files compatible with grimrock, so when that time comes, I will need some assistance.
Short answer is this:

1) download Grimrock model toolkit and the asset pack
2) export a .obj of the base item type you are replacing, use this for your base dimensions, as nothing in Grimrock can be greater than 3x3 meters
3) model in preferred program, UVmap, and make .dds textures for diffuse, specular, and bumpmap/"normal"
4) export into blender in a file format that is least screwed up by blender, check to see if everything is okay
5) export into .dae format
6) open .dae with the Grimrock Model Toolkit using Assimp Importer option, check only "flip winding order" and "flip UVs", unless this causes something to screw up, only then should you do something else with those options.
7) tell GMT where the diffuse texture is, type in a name, in the node tab select the model (red highlight), type in the same name in material and update
8) check to see if the texture applies correctly
9) use GMT to "save as" a .model
10) script the thing into the game (look elsewhere for tutorial)

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:44 pm
by Bluefire3366
Thanks! As of now, I am almost done with the model, textures still need to be applied.
Pictures to come soon

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:49 am
by LordYig
Drakkan wrote:Guys what I really need is some kind of glass-wall. Means normal wall, just that you can see trough it. Somebody interested ? :)
Count me in for this.
I already had the idea to make a similar wall and I have already tested a texture or two.

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:59 am
by germanny
BuzzJ wrote:Heres a link to my dropbox. Not sure how i feel about Nexus yet.

feel free to use, edit, distribute and all that. Mentioning me wouldn't be a bad thing but not required.

Hope that the model is what the requester wanted.
Hey Buzzj, i create another texture for the desk. If you want - i can up that here.
Important: Your model has too much unwanted vertices, i think. I deleted ~4400 doubles, the modelsize was at 375 kb, now ~260 kb.
May have to do with export!

Re: [Community] Grimrock Model Request Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:13 am
by BuzzJ
4400 double vertices? by any chance, how did you detect them, and if you used an automated method of removing them without impacting the faces, what was it?

I can think of a few reasons for why that might be other than export weirdness, so if I could get a new thing to click that would lower filesizes without doing unwanted damage, I would be really interested.

edit: please feel free, the previous texture was just filler and I was hoping somebody would care enough to make a better one.