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Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:35 pm
by Ixnatifual
Montis wrote:petri wrote:Ok, I need to clear this up before you get too excited
I was talking about the new project which has a completely separate codebase. So it is very unlikely that these improvements will be backported to the dungeon editor (or game engine) used in
log1. But whatever the new project is going to be will have its own modding support.
Ha, confirmed that it will be LoG 2

Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:44 pm
by Phitt
Sounds fantastic! I agree with Diarmuid though, it would be great to know when to expect the new 'something' you're working on. I understand that you certainly can't give us an exact release date right now, but it would help a lot if we knew whether it's close to release, a few months away or even more than a year away still. It's a bit pointless to spend countless hours on making a new tileset for Grimrock 1 with tons of weird workarounds (somehow the chasms you mention remind me of a mod I've played not so long ago) and limitations if Grimrock 2 will be released in March anyway.
Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:47 pm
by Ryeath_Greystalk
Diarmuid wrote:
But this raises questions for the whole modding community as the state of our current projects. I know a lot of us are working hard on pushing the capabilites of the current system... before investing more countless hours in developping new technologies and tricks, I think we need to have a bit more general info about what is coming up.
We can of course as a community continue to support modding for "log1" (let's call it that), but if the next project is an essentially identical thing (a square-based 3d dungeon crawler, which it looks like from the screenshots, including the same party) but with better and more flexible features, I don't see why we would continue developping for a less advanced platform.
So what would we be the state of our current work, and how easily would our present dungeons be ported forward. Your term of "modding tools" is a bit vague, is it some form of dungeon editor still, with lua support?
I don't know if you can answer some of this, but we're all investing a LOT of free time in your amazing game, and it would be helpful to be sure it's not "wasted".
This was my first thought also.
I'm not exactly pushing the boundaries with my project, but I do have a lot of free time invested and would hate to imagine finishing it up, posting and nobody wants to give it a try because they have all moved on to newer things.
Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:27 pm
by thomson
Awesome news.
+1 on the request from Diarmuid and Phitt. Even some vague hints like "guys, don't spend too much time on monster IA or GUI hooks or feature X" would be very useful.
log1... that just looks wrong. After spending countless hours on math, some part of inner me just screams silently.

Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:30 pm
by Roman42
petri wrote:Ok, I need to clear this up before you get too excited :)
I was talking about the new project which has a completely separate codebase. So it is very unlikely that these improvements will be backported to the dungeon editor (or game engine) used in log1. But whatever the new project is going to be will have its own modding support.
Hmmm... damn, by just reading the blog enty, I've thought: "Yes, finally I can spawn visible pressure plates, pits and stairs!", but now I really don't know what to think. I almost feel, that I should stop working on my Random Dungeon and wait for LOG2.
Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:07 pm
by pferguso
Petri, this sounds really cool! This reminds me of a Dungeons and Dragons boardgame my son plays called Castle Ravenloft, where the dungeon is different every game according to a draw of the deck of dungeon tiles...
I do have one question though. With the next Grimrock game, could you guys share your animated model exporter plugins with the modding community? Some folks don't care what the 3D program is, and are flexible if need be. Even if you guys don't provide support whatsoever for the exporters, the mod community can get custom monsters working much sooner than they were able to do in LOG.
Here we are finally starting to get animated monster meshes in the game (due to third party tools) and the next game is in the works.
Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:01 pm
by petri
Everybody, we understand your concerns. We are just ramping up development so it's a bit too early to give details (simply because we don't know them yet!). But we'll certainly think about this and give you more info as soon as possible... In any case we don't want you guys to feel that you're wasting your time, because we sincerely care about what's happening here on the forums and we think the community and all the mods is the best thing to happen to LoG.
Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:03 pm
by petri
pferguso wrote:Petri, this sounds really cool! This reminds me of a Dungeons and Dragons boardgame my son plays called Castle Ravenloft, where the dungeon is different every game according to a draw of the deck of dungeon tiles...
We actually play Wrath of Ashardalon and Legend of Drizzt (the sequels to Castle Ravenloft) every now and then here at the office. You and your son have an exceptionally good taste for games

Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:50 pm
by Wanderer
Hi Petri,
the News are really very promising. The new Editor will be much more powerful (and flexible) to make dreams come true I think
Is there any Date when the new Editor (and LoG2) will be released?
I ask because I think about stopping now my work on my AP2-Mod and continue when the new editor is released.
(But I will not stop learning Modding-Technics, Moddeling and retexturing 3d-Objects and so on for the LoG-Editor of course.)
Since I am on the very beginning with my Mod maybe it is worth to go standby and contnue my work with the new Editor.
Or will there be an easy way to port Mods of LoG1-Editor to the new editor?
lg Wanderer
Re: Everything is scriptable
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:25 am
by crisman
Ohhh that's great!!!

A really good news, I was hoping for this, it doesn't bother me if it's going to be just for an hypothetical log2

Great work!!