[MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Played for about an hour or so, AWESOME!!!

Here are my many notes (maybe my notes sound critical, but really just want to help fix minor things, truth is I love the mod so far!)
- Intro story interesting. would prefer text lines on single page, not separate fade-ins of text
- Human description, could use a , after "peace" and a . at the end
- very cool swoosh of the character design steps!
- Love the kits! Wow!
- Knight should be "An honorable..." and "abhorres" should be "abhors"
- Assassin should be "Most of an assassin's targets..." and "poisons" and "it" don't match, choose either "poisons" and "them", or "poison" and "it"
- I chose human - male 2 - ranger - druid - aura - strong mind - "Gamok"
- eww, journal and hint icons are bright eyesores, maybe something more Grimrock flavor instead, more subtle/smaller (resolution dependent)
- toilet flush, har har
- "I don't have lost..." should be "I haven't lost..."
- poor guy, dying on the toilet!
- lactose intolerance, eww! (some flickering on the dirt against back wall there)
- found lots of dead ends, death, creepy atmosphere here, very good.
- Wow, time flies in-game, the journal has tracked 3 hours so far!
- 51 remains - "caught by death" - "death" extends beyond text box, maybe to a line break there.
- also for 51 remains, "From what I've heard" should come after "If the identity"
- got secret from clean toilet room!
- nice gates/plates prison doors mechanisms
- didn't hear any sound for "alarms"
- hmm, how to get that key from dead guard...
- stuck, what to do?
- flipped alarm levers back up, gate opened behind key guard!
- oops, tossed my weapon at a guard's bunk, now I can't reach it to get it back, can see from side it's under bunk! Reload! (maybe make a blockage?)
- "Holy Crap!" ha ha ha!
- Resurrected Sylina, heard sound played, she got a level up immediately, but no skill points to distribute
- Resurrected Eugene, no sound played, no level up for him.
- Talking - Sylina "I was friend with" should be "I was friends with" or "I was a friend to"
- Talking - Sylina "destruction effected" should be "affected"
- Talking - Sylina "good condition enough" should be "good enough condition"
- Journal - "people I was friend with" should be "people I was friends with"
- Talking - Eugene "should have saved us, went..." should not have a , just "should have save us went..."
- Journal - "need to find informations" should be "information"
- skeleton resurrected, attacking! yikes!
- have to gear up new characters, go back for discards :)
- nice trick, use rune on life, get haste!
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

Thanks Komag :)
The bits about dialogues are specially helpful as I'm not a native Eng speaker :)
oops, tossed my weapon at a guard's bunk, now I can't reach it to get it back, can see from side it's under bunk! Reload! (maybe make a blockage?)
Strangely they are already blockages... I'll check their properties thanks!
As far as the quick bar goes..
I might retry, I at first discarded the idea because the inventory and gui tricks played in the dungeon surely introduce some complexity in integrating it.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

Ahh, now that I've played further I see what you mean about the gui stuff. Still, quick bar is REALLY nice and if it could work without hurting anything (performance especially) then it might be worthwhile.

Here are a few more notes from another hour or so:
- noticed, gate will raise back up after flipping back up only one alarm lever, even if other alarm lever is still down
- skeletons at the dead ends (with banners) and the key skeleton don't revive? hmm
- in a bathroom off barracks, a toilet pull chain goes right through the wall sconce lantern, not good
- "shelter" - odd, "no one in the shelter", can't go in, hmm
- sacraficial dagger - should be "magic runes, while on the bottom of the hilt the name..." and "but the blade has opposing teeth that resist when pulling back"
- Talking - Jill "from - say - the" should just be "from, say, the"
- Talking - Jill "Orichalcum is a rare metal metal", remove one "metal"
- Talking - Jill "one of the reasons I was killed for" should just be "I was killed." get rid of "for"
- Talking - Jill "things I shouldn't have had" should just be "shouldn't have."
- Talking - Jill "influencing guards behaviour" should be "influencing guards' behavior"
- Talking - Jill "payed by them" should be "paid by them"
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

Hi Komag, see the spoilers for the skeletons not reviving (important if you want to go further in the mod :) )
- alarm levers => only there for ambience value, no game role
- skeletons => they should revive.. note that they only revive when you leave them giving your back or side. If you look at them they won't revive
- "shelter" => won't spoil :)
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

I figured out to face away and step away and they all work except those three. Will try again tomorrow.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

Hi Xanathar.

Enjoying the mod so far. The toilets are awesome and I really enjoy the intro music. Credits say you did the music yourself? Very nice.

I have found a bug I haven't seen mentioned yet.
On level 2 I found a secret room and in it a secret button to a hallway. At the end of the hallway is a pit. At this point I have not found a way to cure my disease and I figured I would die, but I jumped in the pit anyways and when I should have hit and died the game crashed to desktop with no warning or error code. I did this a couple time and it crashed everytime with out fail.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

Hi thanks Ryeath!
It actually seem to happen only if you die in the exact same frame of a dialogue starting.. should be pretty rare in generic play except in you exact situation :) will surely fix it for next ver, thanks. :D
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

I definitely can't revive
those three skeletons:
- north dead end (far N of south gate)
- south dead end (just N of gate)
- skele with key
some more play notes:
- Talking - Jill "some time than they probably got greedy, run a gate..." should be "some time, then they probably got greedy, ran a gate..."
- Talking - Jill "The minotaur used it..." should be "The minotaurs used it..."
- Talking - Jill "extremely dangerous to convey extreme amounts" should remove one of the "extreme"s, more like "quite dangerous" or "very dangerous", or "extremely dangerous to convey huge amounts"
- Talking - Jill "As they said, put the acid..." should be "As they say, put the acid..."
- Talking - Jill "cool to say so, I couldn't resist." should be "cool to say, so I couldn't resist."
- Talking - Jill "big explosion seem to have been caused" should be "big explosion seems to have been caused"
- wait a second, Jill is a MAN? I thought it was an ugly butch woman, but the journal then says "He". Should change the name, Jill is a completely female name. Maybe Jull or Joll or something different.
- Journal "many interesting informations about the gate" should be "a lot of interesting information about the gate"
- Journal "explosion seem to have been" should be "explosion seems to have been"
- Dreamland - WOW, that was pretty cool! discovered priest was framed!
- discovered water turns to healing potion on life rune!
- just noticed the dragon statues around the shrine pool fires are blocky looking, not correct smoothing on model or texture or something UV maybe, dunno
- found secret library (tome wisdom) in priest's quarters, must have been from button in dreamland?
- Note "Carry out the executions sparsed in a few days time..." should be "Spread the executions out over a few days..."
- Note "for the guards enjoyment." should be "for the guards' enjoyment."
- two wall texts "Scrictly follow" should be "Strictly follow"
- found secret in hallway to shurikens, then button to a hall to pit (but not a secret)
- hidden button to a dirty room with three skeles, found armoury key
- killed by strong spiders in death pit!
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Xanathar »

Please, send me a savegame.
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Re: [MOD] - The Sunset Gate - RELEASED

Post by Komag »

I've explored and done everything I can to this point.

Here is a link to the save game file:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/grstq82vuuw3w ... e_save.zip

Here are my last notes to this point:
- Sign "any weapon or armour" should be "any weapons or armour"
- Item "Short_sword" should be "Short Sword"
- Note "can't bear with this job" should be "can't bear this job"
- Note "forced working" should be "forced to work"
- Note "applaude" should be "applaud"
- Note "the corpse seem to have" should be "the corpse seems to have"
- found secret chest with alchemy, nomad boots (was it a secret?)
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