Here are my many notes (maybe my notes sound critical, but really just want to help fix minor things, truth is I love the mod so far!)
- Human description, could use a , after "peace" and a . at the end
- very cool swoosh of the character design steps!
- Love the kits! Wow!
- Knight should be "An honorable..." and "abhorres" should be "abhors"
- Assassin should be "Most of an assassin's targets..." and "poisons" and "it" don't match, choose either "poisons" and "them", or "poison" and "it"
- I chose human - male 2 - ranger - druid - aura - strong mind - "Gamok"
- eww, journal and hint icons are bright eyesores, maybe something more Grimrock flavor instead, more subtle/smaller (resolution dependent)
- toilet flush, har har
- "I don't have lost..." should be "I haven't lost..."
- poor guy, dying on the toilet!
- lactose intolerance, eww! (some flickering on the dirt against back wall there)
- found lots of dead ends, death, creepy atmosphere here, very good.
- Wow, time flies in-game, the journal has tracked 3 hours so far!
- 51 remains - "caught by death" - "death" extends beyond text box, maybe to a line break there.
- also for 51 remains, "From what I've heard" should come after "If the identity"
- got secret from clean toilet room!
- nice gates/plates prison doors mechanisms
- didn't hear any sound for "alarms"
- hmm, how to get that key from dead guard...
- stuck, what to do?
- flipped alarm levers back up, gate opened behind key guard!
- oops, tossed my weapon at a guard's bunk, now I can't reach it to get it back, can see from side it's under bunk! Reload! (maybe make a blockage?)
- "Holy Crap!" ha ha ha!
- Resurrected Sylina, heard sound played, she got a level up immediately, but no skill points to distribute
- Resurrected Eugene, no sound played, no level up for him.
- Talking - Sylina "I was friend with" should be "I was friends with" or "I was a friend to"
- Talking - Sylina "destruction effected" should be "affected"
- Talking - Sylina "good condition enough" should be "good enough condition"
- Journal - "people I was friend with" should be "people I was friends with"
- Talking - Eugene "should have saved us, went..." should not have a , just "should have save us went..."
- Journal - "need to find informations" should be "information"
- skeleton resurrected, attacking! yikes!
- have to gear up new characters, go back for discards

- nice trick, use rune on life, get haste!